ZiLOG ZMOTION Z8F6481 User Manual page 17

Library development kit
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This project uses the Low Power MCU configuration to provide motion detection with
ZMOTION Digital PIR validation.
The MCU stays in Low Power Stop mode until an Analog PIR event is detected. The
MCU then wakes up and runs the ZMOTION Engine on the PIR signal to validate the
motion event.
When the motion event is validated, the status LED is flashed and a message is sent via the
VCOM USB serial interface (connected to UART0 on the LP MCU).
Typical current consumption is <13 uA @ 3.0 V.
Sliding SW4 to the LP position causes the NP MCU to be held in reset and releases the LP
MCU to run. The following status messages will be displayed on the terminal:
Version: 1.0
ZMOTION: Enabled
Waiting for PIR Stability...
The MCU normally stays in Stop mode to conserve power. Each time it wakes up, a status
message is sent to indicate the reason for the wake up. Table 6 lists these status message
Status Code
PIR Stable
Motion Detected
In Table 6, * indicates MCU wake up and . indicates MCU going to Stop mode. When
Motion Detected status is sent, an ASCII BELL character (0x07) is also sent. Some termi-
nal applications can interpret this and provide an audible indication of motion detection.
This project uses the Low Power MCU configuration to provide motion detection with
ZMOTION Digital PIR validation and a serial command interface.
Table 6. Status Messages
Indicates that the MCU woke up as part of the power-on stability timer.
Indicates that the MCU woke up to enable motion detection.
Indicates that the MCU woke up from an analog motion event. It will run
the ZMOTION Engine to digitally validate the motion event.
PIR sensor is stable – Power on stability delay complete.
The ZMOTION Engine validated the motion event.
Library Development Kit
User Manual
Sample Applications


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