Installer Settings - Water Depot Deluxe Series Owner's Manual

Table of Contents



STEP 1I - Press NEXT and
STEP 2I – Hardness: Set the amount of hardness in grains of hardness as
calcium carbonate per gallon using the
value ranges from 1 to 150 in 1 grain increments. Note: The grains per gallon can
be increased if soluble iron needs to be reduced. This display will show "–nA–"
the system is set up for a filter or if „AUTO‟ is not selected in Step 7S. Press
NEXT to go to step 3I. Press REGEN to exit Installer Display Settings.
STEP 3I – Day Override: When gallon capacity is set to off, sets the number of
days between regenerations. When gallon capacity is set to AUTO or to a
number, sets the maximum number of days between regenerations. If value set
to "oFF" regeneration initiation is based solely on gallons used. If value is set as
a number (allowable range from 1 to 28) a regeneration initiation will be called for
on that day even if sufficient number of gallons were not used to call for a
regeneration. Set Day Override using
• number of days between regeneration (1 to 28); or
• "oFF".
See Setting Options Table for more detail on system setup. Press NEXT to go to
step 4I. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
STEP 4I – Next Regeneration Time (hour): Set the hour of day for regeneration
▲ or ▼
buttons. AM/PM toggles after 12. The default time is 2:00 a.m. This
display will show "REGEN on 0 GAL" if "on 0" is selected in Step 8S. Press
NEXT to go to step 5I. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
STEP 5I – Next Regeneration Time (minutes): Set the minutes of day for
▲ or ▼
regeneration using
selected in Step 8S. Press NEXT to exit Installer Display Settings. Press REGEN
to return to previous step.
To initiate a manual regeneration immediately, press and hold the "REGEN"
button for three seconds. The system will begin to regenerate immediately. The
control valve may be stepped through the various regeneration cycles by
pressing the "REGEN" button.
simultaneously for 3 seconds.
▲ or ▼
buttons. The default is 20 with
▲ or ▼
buttons. This display will not be shown if "on 0" is


Table of Contents

Table of Contents