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HOLT AN-6130PCIe MIL-STD 1553 User Manual page 13


Two Holt demo programs are provided on the CD-ROM. PCIe6130 test contains a menu of commands to
demonstrate reading and writing to the latched I/O's, read and write to HI-6130 memory space and
initialize the HI-6130 for BC transmissions. The simple BC demo periodically transmits 3 types of
messages. This demo was demonstrated in the Quick Start Guide section.
The HI-6130 API demo is more complex. The main purpose of this demo is to demonstrate Holt's API
library. This demo program demonstrates how to use Holt's API library to initialize the HI-6130 for BC,
RT or MT operations. Both demo projects are built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. For other
compilers, the user needs to port the software project. All the API's and low-level drivers supporting the
HI-6130 and GPIOs are contained in module HI6130.c with accompanying header file HI6130.h.
To rebuild these projects the following three items are needed:
Holt demo projects contained on the CD-ROM.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. (Not Provided)
PLX SDK 7.00. (On PLX website)
The 4 layer demo software is shown below.
PLX SDK installation
To modify the demo programs the PLX SDK must first be installed so that the Holt projects can be added
to the SDK samples folder. To develop custom software applications for this card, the SDK from PLX is
required. Download the SDK from the link below. PLX requires user registration to download their SDK
by filling out their online registration and obtaining a login and password. Holt is not authorized to
provide the PLX SDK package directly to customers. At the time this document was written, Windows 7
is supported and future OS versions including Linux are planned. After the SDK is installed, the PC may
require a few moments or a reboot for the new drivers to take effect which are also installed by the SDK

