BELGACOM Belgafax 170ts User Manual page 3

Table of Contents


RES to select a higher resolution when copying or sending (for
text and graphics – FINE, for photographs – PHOTO)
w press twice briefl y: to print operating instructions for the most
important functions; press and hold (for two seconds): to start
the automatic installation of your fax machine / printout of Easy
U to select different operation modes. Press briefl y: choose
between S and M; press and hold (two seconds): operating mode
U on/off
SMS fl ashes if there are new
SMS messages in the memory.
For reading, printing and sen-
ding SMS messages
ON/OFF to activate / deactivate answering machine
REC press briefl y: to record an internal memo; press and hold (two seconds): to record a new outgoing mes-
PLAY to play back messages. The key fl ashes when new messages and memos have been recorded
v if the red lamp fl ashes, please
read the message on the display
C to delete
M to call up functions
OK to confi rm entries
u to select options / to
move the cursor on the display
n press briefl y: to select a phone number
quickly; press and hold (two seconds): to store
a telephone number
a press briefl y: to call up a name entry;
press and hold (two seconds): to store a tele-
phone number
L press briefl y: to repeat the last fi ve num-
bers you have dialled; press and hold (two
seconds): to browse the list of callers
R press briefl y: for special functions, e. g. for
the use with a private branch exchange; press
and hold (two seconds): to insert a dialling
pause between two fi gures
l for dialling without lifting the handset and
for hands-free operation
STOP to stop procedures / to eject do-
START/COPY to start the fax transmis-
sion or to make copies


Table of Contents

Table of Contents