Locked Print; Printing A Locked Print File - Lanier AP3200 Operator's Manual

Lanier digital printer operator guide
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Sample Print/Locked Print

Locked Print

Use this function to maintain privacy
when printing confidential. Docu-
ments will not be printed out auto-
m a t i c a l ly u n l e s s a pa s s w o r d i s
entered using the operation panel af-
ter sending the print job.
❒ To use this function, optional
Printer Hard Disk Type 185 must
be installed on the printer.
❒ If the application has a collate op-
tion, confirm that it is not selected
before sending a print job. By de-
fault, locked print jobs are auto-
matically collated by the printer
driver. If the collate option is se-
lected from the application print
dialog box, more pages than in-
tended may be printed.
❒ You can identify the file you want
to print by the User IDs and the
time when the job was stored.
❒ The actual number of pages the
printer can save depends on the
contents of the print images. As an
example, the printer can save up to
30 jobs or 2,000 pages. It depends
on the data volume.
❒ After the locked print file is print-
ed, the job in the printer is deleted

Printing a Locked Print File

The following procedure describes
how to print a locked print file with
the PCL printer driver. For how to do
this with the PostScript printer driver,
see the Operating Instructions Sup-
plement for PostScript 3 included as a
PDF file on the CD-ROM.
From an application, select the
menu command to print.
The print dialog box appears.
Open the Printer Properties.
From the [Job Type:] box on the
[Setup] tab, select [Locked Print].
Click the [Details...] button.
In the [User ID:] box, type a User ID
of up to eight alphanumeric char-
❒ This is used to identify the user
associated with a job.
❒ The User ID can consist of up to
eight alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-
9) characters.
In the [Password:] box, type a pass-
word of four digits.
❒ The password must be four dig-
its (0-9).
Click [OK].
After making all of the settings
you want, click [OK].


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