Control Expansion Using Master/Slave Configuration - Keithley 708 Instruction Manual

Switching system
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Table 3-7
Model 70X external exmnsion cables
Mass Terminated Cable (20 ft.)
3.lug Triax-Triax Cable (3 ft.)
3.1~~ Triax-Triax Cable (IO ft.)
BNC-BNC Cable (2 ft.)
BNC-BNC Cable (5 ft.)
7072, 7072-HV, 7 172. 7 I74
7073, 7 173-50 rows/columns
Mass Terminated Cable (20 ft.)
Mass Terminated Cable (IO II.)
7075, 7076 rows/columns
Control expansion using master/slave
Connect each Model 708 at the MASTER/SLAVE
IN and
OUT connectors using a Model 850 I-I or X50 l-2 cable. Re-
fer to paragraph 1.9 for cable description. If connecting two
Model 708 Switching Systems in a master/slave arrangement,
two cables will be needed. If connecting live Model 708
Switching Systems in a master/slew arrangement, five cables
will be nceded. Refer to Figure 3.12. Column locations for a
fully expanded Model 708 arc shown in Figure 3-13.
I. Connect the mestcr unit's MASTER/SLAVE
OUI' to
the first slave unit's MASTER/SLAVE
2. If expanding to more tllatl twn Model 70X Switching
Systems, connect the lint
slave unit's MASTERI
SLAVE OUT lo the second slave unit's MASTER/
SLAVE IN. Continue connecting in this fahion to the
last slave unit.
3. Connect tbc last slave unit's MASTER/SLAVE
OUT to
the mas,cr unit's MASTER/SLAVE


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