Screen 11: Wind Cup Size
Vantage Pro2 stations come standard with large wind cups. Switch this setting
to SMALL CUP if you have separately purchased and installed small wind
cups, or switch to OTHER if you are using other Davis wind-speed equipment
or a third-party anemometer.
Large wind cups are more sensitive to low wind speeds and are the best choice for most users.
Small wind cups are less sensitive at low wind speeds but can measure much higher wind
speeds. Install small wind cups if you wish to measure winds over 150 m.p.h. (242 km/h),
(Category 5 Hurricane). Maximum speed sensitivity decreases with the age of the wind cups.
1. Press the up and down arrows to switch between the LARGE CUP,
SMALL CUP, and OTHER wind cup settings.
2. Press DONE to move to the next screen.
Screen 12: Rain Collector
The tipping bucket in the Vantage Pro2 rain collector has been calibrated at the
factory to measure 0.01'' of rain with each tip. The ISS comes equipped with a
metric adapter that, once installed, takes 0.2 mm readings for every tip of the
bucket. Determine which measurement you want your rain collector to take
and configure your console and rain collector accordingly.
To configure your console for inch measurements:
1. Press the up and down arrows to display the .01'' setting.
2. Press DONE to use the selected setting and move to the next screen.
To configure your console for 0.2 mm measurements:
1. Press the up and down arrows to display the 0.2 mm setting.
2. Press DONE to use the selected setting and move to the next screen.
See the Integrated Sensor Suite Installation Manual for instructions on installing the metric rain
adapter. The 0.1mm setting does not provide correct rain measurements with either the standard
measurement or the metric adapter installed in the rain bucket and should not be used. If neces-
sary, the console can be configured to calculate the 0.01'' measurements and convert these to
metric measurements, rounding to the nearest 0.1 mm or can be configured to calculate the 0.2
mm measurements and convert them to the U.S. standard, rounding to the nearest .01''.
To Display Rain in Metric Units on the Console
Even if you configure your console to display metric rain data in screen 12 of
the Setup Mode, you have to configure your Current Weather Mode to display
Screen 11: Wind Cup Size
Screen 12: Rain Collector Settings
Setup Mode
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