Calibrating The Actitrainer For Distance; How Calibration Works; Initiating A Calibration - ActiGraph ACTITRAINER User Manual

Accurate lifestyle activity monitor
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Calibrating the ActiTrainer for Distance

By the nature of its design, the ActiTrainer accurately measures caloric expenditure based on an individual's weight.
Proprietary algorithms determine the magnitude of energy exerted over a one minute periods and convert that total
to calories. Because weight is a constant over a short period of time, there is very little calculation error from
person to person. Determining distance and pace, however, is not as consistent. Because running and walking
styles (specifically, stride lengths) vary from person to person, it is difficult to generalize the distance traveled by all
users using one algorithm. To compensate for this inherent deviation, the ActiTrainer can be calibrated to each
users running and/or walking style.
With no calibration (straight from the factory), the ActiTrainer makes assumptions of users' stride lengths based on
averaged empirical measurements performed at the ActiGraph labs. For most individuals, the distance and pace are
accurate to within +/- 10%. Some users may see larger fluctuations in their estimates depending on their own
unique walk or run style. After calibrating, most users report an accuracy of +/- 2%.

How Calibration Works

Calibration mode is very similar to the standard
monitors steps-per-minute over a given walk or run distance. This information is used to calibrate the device to the
users own personal stride length and thus make distance and pace estimates as accurate as possible. Calibration is a
three-step process:
1) Start a calibration on the ActiTrainer device and walk/run a known distance (minimum of 1 minute).
2) Stop the calibration immediately after walking/running the known distance (no cool-down or slow walking
3) Enter that distance into the client application when prompted after plugging the ActiTrainer into the PC
after the walk/run.

Initiating a Calibration

Initiating a calibration is very similar to starting a workout. In fact, a calibration is treated as a workout in the
Virtual Trainer and can be analyzed the same as any other workout. Note that the calibration screen looks very
similar to the workout mode while the ActiTrainer is in calibration mode.
It is highly recommended that the user calibrate the ActiTrainer for both walking and running for best results. If running on
a track or a location that is not part of your normal run/walk, it is best to calibrate the walk and the run back-to-back.
Starting a Calibration
1) Browse the ActiTrainer menu structure to the "Calibrate" menu as shown below
mode. While in calibration mode, the ActiTrainer


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