PEERLESS Combi 160 Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual page 4

Gas boiler
Table of Contents


WARNING!!! These instructions must be read
prior to installation. If the information in these
instructions is not followed exactly, a fi re or
explosion may result, causing property damage,
personal injury, or death.
The manufacturer declines all liability, contractual or
otherwise, for damages resulting from the incorrect
installation of this boiler. This includes the failure
to comply with the instructions provided by the
manufacturer or from a failure to comply with the
applicable local and national regulations in force.
The manufacturer declines all liability, contractual
or otherwise, for any damage to people, animals or
property caused by the incorrect use of this boiler or
inadequate or incorrect service or maintenance.
Hazards and Your Safety - Hot Water Can Scald!
Water temperature over 125°F (52°C) can cause
severe burns instantly, or death from scalds. Children,
the disabled, and the elderly are at highest risk of
being scalded; see instruction manual before setting
temperature at boiler! Feel water before bathing or
If there is a smell of combustion products, turn the
unit off, air out the room and call a licensed authorized
technician. Failure to take proper precautions can
result in excessive levels of carbon monoxide which
can cause severe personal injury or death!
Qualifi ed Technicians:
Qualifi ed technicians are individuals with specifi c,
technical training in space heating systems, domestic
hot water systems, fuel gas systems and electrical
systems. These individuals must have the legally
required qualifi cations.
Installation and Alterations:
Licensed, authorized personnel must carry out the
installation and calibration of the boiler. Never modify
the boiler or its fl ue gas carrying components in any
way. This boiler must be properly vented. Failure to
follow these instructions could result in personal injury
or death!
For safety and environmental reasons, the packing
materials must be properly disposed of. Any replaced
part or packaging should never be left within the reach
of children. Failure to follow these instructions could
result in severe personal injury
at least once a year the user must call in a licensed
authorized technician for routine maintenance.
In the event of a breakdown and/or malfunction
of the boiler, turn off the unit and do not make any
attempt to repair it. The boiler must be serviced
exclusively by a qualifi ed technician using original
spare parts. Failure to comply with this requirement
may compromise the safety of the unit and void its
Use the service switch to disconnect the boiler
from the electrical circuit before carrying out any
service or maintenance operations.
CAUTION: Label all wires prior to disconnection when
servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper
and dangerous operation. Verify proper operation after
ATTENTION: Au moment de l'entretien des
commandes, étiquetez tous les fi ls avant de les
débrancher. Des erreurs de câblage peuvent entraîner
un fonctionnement inadéquat et dangereux. S'assurer
que l'appareil fonctionne adéquatement une fois
l'entretirn terminé.
Correct Use:
This boiler must only be used for the purpose for which
it has been expressly designed: heating of water for
closed circuit systems for central heating and the
production of domestic hot water.
Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail
to shut off, do not turn off or disconnect the electrical
supply to the pump. Instead, shut off the gas supply at
a location external to the appliance.
En cas de surchauffe ou si l'alimentation de gaz
ne peut être coupée, ne pas couper ni débranch
l'alimentation électrique de la ponpe. Fermer plutôt le
robinet d'admission de gaz à l'extérieur de l'appareil
Do not use this appliance if any part has been
under water. Immediately call a qualifi ed service
technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any
part of the control system and any gas control, which
has been under water.
N'utilisez pas cet appareil s'il a été plongé dans
l'eau, même partiellement. Faites inspecter l'appareil
par un tecnicien qualifi é et remplacez toute partie du
système de contrôle et toute commande qui ont été
plongés dans l'eau.
Do not obstruct the air intake or vent pipe
terminals. Failure to take proper precautions can
result in excessive levels of carbon monoxide which
can cause severe personal injury or death!
Any optional extras or kit fi tted subsequently
must be original Cosmogas parts.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents