Midas HERITAGE 1000 Operator's Manual page 41

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Any virtual fader can be isolated from further scene
recall by pressing the SAFE switch. After the switch
is pressed it will also be possible to "pick up" the
virtual fader at the recalled position and adjust it
using the real fader (exactly the same as for store
mode). Any subsequent scene recall will have no
effect on the virtual fader position.
To regain virtual fader control switch the SAFE
switch off and then recall the current (or next
required) scene. Virtual fader control will resume as
the scene is recalled. The fader will not be "picked
up" and can be moved to -infin if desired as long as
it does not pass through 0dB. If it does pass through
0dB it will "pick up" in the normal way.
It is not possible to store a scene in this mode. The
main reason this is not allowed is because multiple
overstores of faders which have adjustments made
would result in incremental virtual fader position
changes which in most cases would not be desired.
As you can see from the text above there are many different ways to control faders within the console. There is
no right or wrong way and the best method will depend largely on the specific application and the user
preference. It is quite likely that the method chosen will change with time as the user gains more confidence in
the system the performance becomes more regular and rehearsed. The following recommendations are intended
as a guide only:-
Used for initial set up of a show and during early rehearsals. Also used for situations where no prior setup has
been possible. Fader positions stored to the automation memory are as per the real faders so great care must be
taken to set them correctly prior to overstoring any adjustments.
Used for later rehearsals and for shows where there is a large degree of change from night to night due to venue
conditions or add lib's etc. Each scene recalled is as it was stored but may need adjustment to suit the prevailing
conditions. Adjustments are clear and fast to implement with the real fader taking over from the virtual fader as
required. Overstoring is easily possible so as to fine tune the data stored in the automation memory.
Used for events and shows that are well rehearsed and predictable. Each scene recalled is as it was stored plus
an offset adjustment from the real fader if required. Any adjustments that are made are active for all subsequent
scenes until such time as they are removed by the operator. Overstoring is not possible.
Any virtual fader can be isolated from further scene
recall by pressing the SAFE switch. After the switch
is pressed it will also be possible to "pick up" the
virtual fader at the recalled position and adjust it
using the real fader. Any subsequent scene recall
will have no effect on the virtual fader position.
To regain virtual fader control switch the SAFE
switch off and then recall the current (or next
required) scene. Virtual fader control will resume as
the scene is recalled. The fader will not be "picked
up" and can be moved to -infin if desired as long as
it does not pass through the virtual fader position. If
it does it will "pick up" in the normal way.
When storing a scene the information loaded into
the scene memory will always be as displayed by
the leds. This still applies if a fader is isolated by the
fader safe or automation safe switches.


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