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Viking K-1200 Technical Practice page 7

12 button apartment entry phone with built-in door strike relay


H. Door Strike Code
A one or two digit door strike code can be entered by programming position #41. When in programming, enter the one or two digit
code followed by "#41". Note: "
(respectively) when programming the door strike code (see section D). To disable the door strike relay, enter "#41" without any pre-
ceding numbers. The following are examples of door strike code entries:
To Program the Door Strike Code to...
I. Maximum Ring Time
This timer sets the maximum amount of time the K-1200 will look for the call to be answered. If this timer expires and the tenant has
not answered, the call will be terminated or the K-1200 will dial a second phone number (if programmed). The factory setting is 20
seconds, and to disable this feature, enter "00" into position 43.
J. Silence Time Out
This time out is started once the call has been connected and is reset every time audio is detected on the phone line. If it expires,
the call will be terminated. This is useful on systems that are silent when the tenant hangs up to assure the K-1200 disconnects. It
is factory set to 10 seconds and can be disabled by entering "00" in position 44.
K. Talk/Listen Delay
This time represents the amount of time the K-1200 will delay before switching back to the microphone mode after it was in the
speaker mode (VOX switching time). It is in 100 msec increments and stored in position 45.
L. Dialing Speed
On some phone lines, a faster rate of dialing is allowed. The dialing speed of the K-1200 can be altered to take advantage of this
faster rate. The normal dialing speed is 5 digits per second and is selected by entering "#30" (factory setting) while in programming.
To increase the speed to 10 digits per second, enter "#31". If the faster rate is selected, be sure to test each number to assure prop-
er operation.
M. Hang Up on Return to Dial Tone
The K-1200 is factory set to hang up if continuous audio is detected after dialing. In most situations this would happen if the tenant
hung up and the service that the K-1200 is connected to provides a dial tone following the hang up. In some instances due to noisy
lines or loud background noise, the call may be terminated before the tenant hangs up. If this occurs, enter "#33" when in program-
ming. This will disable return to dial tone feature and stop the K-1200 from hanging up prematurely. To enable this feature enter "#32"
when in programming.
N. Special Commands
To clear all speed dial positions and set all modes back to factory setting, enter "###" while in programming. Caution, all previous
programming will be lost. Normally when the K-1200 is in the programming mode, it will hang up the line if no commands are detect-
ed for 20 seconds. To hang up immediately, enter "##7".
O. DIP Switch Programming/Speaker and Microphone Adjustments
Two POTs are provided to increase or decrease speaker volume and microphone sensitivity. In certain noisy locations the micro-
phone sensitivity may need to be decreased as shown below. Caution: Setting the microphone gain too high may cause distort-
ed audio, prevent the distant party from breaking over and inhibit second number redialing.
Incoming calls answered (factory setting)
Incoming calls not answered
2 & 3
Audio Detection normal (factory setting)
2 & 3
Audio Detection more sensitive
Learn Mode - Any incoming calls are auto-
matically entered into the programming mode,
no security code required. Use this option if
you have forgotten your security code.
Normal operation mode (factory setting)
On some phone lines, busy and ring back tones maybe very soft.
In these installations, set DIP switches 2 and 3 to the OFF position
" and "#" can be entered as valid characters of the door strike code by substituting "#20" and #21"
Step 1 (see section A)
Enter programming
Enter programming
Enter programming
Enter programming
Enter programming
Turn POTS clockwise to increase
(as viewed from the back of the board).
Sensitivity POT
Volume POT
1 2 3 4
Step 2 - Enter Digits



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