All possible measures have been taken to ensure that the content of this manual is accurate. If you happen to notice errors, omissions or other faults, please contact your vendor. Irrespective of items (2) and (3) above, Canon cannot bear responsibility for any effects that result from operation. Support Information For various types of information relating to support, including updated product software (patch installer), User’s Manual, operating environment, etc., please refer to our WebView Product web page:...
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Contents Chapter 4 System Configuration, Before You Begin After the Viewer has launched........34 Accessing the Configuration and Preferences screen .
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Contents About Special Day Recording ........80 Add and Edit a Schedule Type .
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Contents Chapter 10 Arranging and Saving Video Window Layouts Managing Video Layouts ......... .114 About the Layout menu .
Overview VK-64 is software that allows you to view and record images transmitted from the Network Camera Server VB150/VB101 and Network Camera VB-C50i/VB-C50iR/ VB-C50FSi/VB-C50Fi/VB-C10/VB-C10R (hereafter referred to as ‘Camera Servers’). The software can support up to 64 cameras via an IP network such as a LAN, or up to 16 cameras for Network Video Recorder VK-16 v1.1.
System Configuration Typical System Configuration VK-64 provides video viewing and recording from Camera Servers via an IP network such as a LAN. Since VK-64 makes use of IP networks, installations of cameras can be performed easily. In addition, it is possible to flexibly install new cameras and change installation locations of cameras.
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Application Types and Functions Application Function Storage Server Stores recorded information for later retrieval and viewing in the Viewer. Viewer Lets users view recorded information, monitor live video and acknowledge/search events. Lets Administrators configure recording and viewing settings. RECORD Record video to the PLAYBACK Storage Server # 1 Storage Server...
Overview of Setup Before you can start monitoring, recording and playing back video, you need to install and configure the Storage Server and Viewer. The diagram below indicates the installation and configuration process. Set up Network Cameras The first step is to set up your cameras and/or Camera VC-C50i Servers.
Create and save Viewer Layouts Monitor live video and play back pre-recorded events in the Viewer application. From here you can customize the Viewing Area and save Layouts. Pre-recorded video from Storage Server Configure Recording Settings Live video from Register Camera Servers and Storage Servers and set Camera Servers up recording schedules.
VK-64 at a time. Note If using a VB150 with multiple cameras, there are restrictions on frame rate. Refer to your VB150 User’s Manual for details. Firmware Upgrade The latest information concerning firmware can be found on the following Canon Web site:
(number of Camera Servers, setting of recording frame rate etc.). It is also dependent on pre-event recording settings. Please contact dealers that handle Canon products for further information. If using Windows XP Professional SP2, follow the procedures as described on...
Operating Environment Before starting operations with VK-64 recommended that perform tests under actual Note conditions before starting operations. Recording and display of live videos may not be provided as configured because many factors (such as network environment and PC performance) affect the actual performance of VK-64. When the load on your computer CPU and hard disk is high, the specified frame rate may not be available, or the video recording may be interrupted or the Viewer operation may take longer.
Before you begin installation... Suggested Network Configurations It is highly recommended that Storage Servers and Viewers be used on private networks. When Viewing and Recording with one PC Storage Server (recommend separate hard drive for recorded video). Storage Server Viewing Recorded Events and Monitoring Viewer VB-C50i When you Install VK-64, you can select to install both the Storage Server and Viewer...
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When using multiple Storage Servers and Viewers Receives video and records it. Storage Server Record video to the Plays back Storage Server #1 recorded video Master Storage Server Receives video and controls camera. View live and recorded events Viewer Viewer View playback video from Storage Server #1 Viewer...
Before you begin Installation... Setting up the Camera Servers First make sure the firmware is the required version or later (as specified in the table P. 12). Check to ensure the Camera Server has been correctly installed and that the initial settings (network settings) have been made.
Installation Procedures Types and number of licenses you can install vary according to the product you have purchased. If additional Storage Server and Note Viewer installations are required, you will need to purchase the necessary software for each PC. Starting up the Installer Insert Network Video...
Installation procedures Depending on your License Key, you will be presented with one or both of the following applications shown below: Viewer Storage Server It is recommended to keep the Install To: path as is. Click the Change... button to choose another installation path if necessary.
Chapter Configuring the Storage Server This chapter shows Administrators how to start and stop the Storage Server if necessary. It also explains how to configure the Camera Server proxy for the Storage Server, set disk space used, set event notifications and configure users.
Storage Server Configuration Launching Procedure Double-click the Storage Server Configuration desktop icon. Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu select: Programs > WebView Livescope > Network Video Recorder VK Series v1.1 > Storage Server Configuration. Adjusting the Storage Server Settings The Storage Server Configuration dialog, Settings tab allows you to configure: Storage Server name Proxy for Camera Servers Recording and Drive settings...
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Enter the Storage Server Proxy Address If the Storage Server needs to access Camera Servers outside the LAN, you may need to configure proxy settings (see user note P. 14). In the Storage Server Proxy field, tick the Enable the following proxy server box. Enter the Proxy server address and Port.
Storage Server Configuration If you need to stop the Storage Server for any reason (such as maintenance) first inform all users connected to the server! How the Storage Server manages disk space This section describes the way in which the Storage Server manages its disk space and determines when old video files should be deleted.
Setting up Event Notifications Set up a user to receive Event Notification emails The Storage Server Configuration dialog, Events and Event Notification tabs allow you to set up event priorities and email notification to a particular user. Adjust settings for the ‘Events’ tab and ‘Event Notification’ tab... Select a suitable event priority from the drop-down menu for each event type listed.
Setting up Users Adding and Editing Users The Storage Server Configuration dialog, User Management tab allows you to set up users and their privileges. Administrators have access to the Viewer including Camera Server setup, recording schedules and Viewer setup. Operators only have access to live video and pre-recorded video on Storage Servers they have permission to access.
User Management tab - Add Users The Add User dialog is used to add new users to the system. Step 1: Click the Add button In the User Management tab, click the Add button to bring up the Add User dialog.
Setting up Users User Management tab - Edit Users The Edit User dialog is used to edit the password for an existing user. To edit a user: Step 1: Click to select user, then click the ‘Edit’ button Click an entry in the user list to select it.
Starting the Viewer Launching Procedure Double-click the Viewer desktop icon. Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu select: Programs > WebView Livescope > Network Video Recorder VK Series v1.1 > Viewer. After launching, the Network Video Recorder VK-64 v1.1 start-up screen appears... Click Cancel to setup a different Master Storage...
Changing the Storage Server In order to retrieve information, you must be connected to a Master Storage Server, even if it is on the same computer as the Note Viewer. After installation, the Master Storage Server is set to ‘localhost’. This indicates that the Viewer will attempt to use the local computer as its Master Storage Server.
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Changing the Storage Server If you need to use a proxy server, set it in the Internet Properties, LAN Settings dialog. To open, select Start > Settings Note > Control Panel > Internet Options. When the Internet Options dialog opens, select the Connections tab. From here, click the LAN Settings...
Chapter System Configuration, Before You Begin This chapter gives a brief overview of the Viewer Configuration process (which is outlined in Chapters 5 to 7). This is intended for Administrators.
After the Viewer has launched... This chapter is for users with Administrator privileges. Only Administrators can alter Viewer configuration and preferences. Note If you are a user with Operator privileges, proceed to Chapter 8. Chapter 8 and following chapters explain the various controls and functions in the Viewing Screen.
Accessing the Configuration and Preferences screen To open the Configuration and Preferences screen: In the Menu Bar, select View > Configuration The menu bar is located at the top left of the Viewing screen. Select the menu bar item, View > Configuration. The Configuration and Preferences screen opens with the Storage and Camera Server Summary window displayed.
System Configuration Process After configuring the Storage Server and launching the Viewer, you are now ready to configure the Viewer application for monitoring, recording and playing back video. The flow diagram below shows the Viewer configuration process via the Configuration and Preferences Screen.
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Create and Save Viewer Layouts Monitor live camera images and play back pre-recorded events Viewer application. From here you can customize the Viewing Area and save Layouts. Pre-recorded video from Storage Server Live video from Camera Servers Set up Viewer Settings (optional) Adjust live viewing frame rate, identify an individual Viewer’s Master Storage Server and set priorities for event notifications in the Viewer Settings window.
Configuration and Preferences screen About the Configuration and Preferences screen The Configuration and Preferences screen is used for configuring one or more Storage Servers and for setting up preferences on a Viewer computer. Storage Servers may include the local computer being used or another computer on the network. There are three windows in the Configuration and Preferences screen used for connecting and configuring VK-64 settings: Camera Summary - add a new Camera Server to a zone and search for existing...
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Storage Camera Summary windows Recording Schedule Viewer Settings...
Chapter Register Storage Servers and Camera Servers This chapter outlines how to register Storage Servers and Camera Servers and to manage Locations and Zones. This is intended for Administrators.
Camera Summary Window About the Storage and Camera Server Summary Window Click the Camera Summary tab to open the Storage and Camera Server Summary window. The window consists of two sub-windows which are opened by their respective tabs, Storage Servers and Locations / Zones.
Click and drag divider line to the right to reveal full values. Storage Server and Location / Zone options The following options are available via the Storage Servers tab: Add Storage Server - Allows you to register a Storage Server with the system (up to three is recommended).
Locations and Zones About Locations and Zones Cameras are grouped into Locations and Zones. Locations could include an office building, shop or school. Zones are sub-categories of Locations, that is, a zone could be assigned to each floor in the office building and specific areas in a shop such as a cash register. A number of cameras can be grouped into one Zone and a number of Zones can be grouped into a Location.
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When a Location is selected from the drop-down menu at left, all of the Zones associated with the Location will appear to the right as camera thumbnail images. This tab containing four thumbnail images indicates that there are four cameras in the Zone. This tab containing six thumbnail images indicates that there are six cameras in the Zone.
Configure Camera Summaries Camera Summary - Add, Edit and Delete a Storage Server When using multiple Storage Servers, you will need to configure the Storage Servers via the Add Storage Server dialog shown below. A Storage Server must first be connected and running on the network as follows: Click the Add Storage Server button on the Storage Servers tab In the Camera Summary window, select the Storage Servers tab.
To delete a Storage Server: Click a Storage Server in the list to highlight it and select Delete from the Edit menu. Alternatively, press the Delete key on your keyboard. A confirmation dialog will open. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the operation. A deleted Storage Server is removed from the list and the Master Storage Server no longer recognizes it.
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Configure Camera Summaries Enter the name of the new zone (up to 20 characters). Select location from drop-down menu in the Add to Location field, then click the OK button. The selected zone will now appear in the specified Location folder.
Configure Camera Summaries Camera Summary - Find Camera Servers The VK-64 Network Video Recorder System can be expanded to include more Camera Servers. You can easily locate Camera Servers via the Find Camera Servers button. When you initiate the Find Camera Servers function, your computer searches the Viewer’s local subnet for all Camera Note Servers connected to it.
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Configure Camera Summaries Step 2: Select a new Camera Server In the Search Results dialog, click a Camera Server in the search results list to select it. Click Camera Server... button. This will bring up the Add Camera Server dialog where configure settings for the Camera Server.
Using the Add Camera Server Dialog About the Add Camera Server Dialog The Add Camera Server dialog’s appearance will depend on the type of Camera Server connected and the number of cameras that have been set up. Differences are in the way camera selection is presented.
Using the Add Camera Server Dialog Set up camera position and saved video The Add Camera Server dialog allows you to set a camera thumbnail image for the Viewer and to choose a Storage Server for recorded video. The dialog shown below illustrates an example VB-C10 setup. It could also represent a VB-C50i, VB-C50iR, VB-C50FSi, VB-C50Fi, VB101 and VB150 with only one camera setup or in a single mode.
Using the Add Camera Server Dialog Add a Camera Server - Set connection details To add a Camera Server, you must specify how VK-64 can connect to the camera server as follows: Step 1: Enter Host Name, User Name and Password Enter the Host Name or IP address, then enter the port number for the Camera Server.
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Using the Add Camera Server Dialog If you have a Multi-Terminal Module VB-EX50 unit plugged into a VB-C50i/VB-C50iR/VB-C50FSi/VB-C50Fi and have configured the Note ‘Use External Video Input’, video seen in the Viewer will be taken from cameras connected to the Multi-Terminal unit. Please refer to the camera server User’s Manual.
Using the Add Camera Server Dialog Camera Summary - Edit Camera Server Settings The right-hand side of the Add Camera Server dialog may show one or more enabled cameras (depending on the type of Camera Server you are using). To edit settings: Step 1: Select a camera tab if available VB150: Click a tab to display that camera’s settings.
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Using the Add Camera Server Dialog Step 3: Update and setup camera thumbnail for Viewer In the Preview area, a camera view is given. Click the Update button to grab a current frame from the camera. It will be re-sized in the preview window and saved for reference as a Viewing Screen camera thumbnail.
Edit and Remove Camera Servers Camera Summary - Edit Camera Server The right-hand portion of the Camera Summary window features the Edit Camera Server button for editing Camera Servers on your system, regardless of which tab you have selected (Storage Servers or Locations / Zones). The same dialog as the Add Camera Server appears, detailing all the aspects of the Camera Server as discussed on previous pages.
Edit and Remove Camera Servers Camera Summary - Remove Camera Server The right-hand portion of the Camera Summary window features the Remove Camera Server button for removing Camera Server(s) from your system, regardless of which tab you have selected (Storage Servers or Locations / Zones). Step 1: Select a Camera Server In the Camera Server list, click a server to highlight it.
Saving Configuration Changes Camera Summary - When you have finished configuration The bottom right-hand corner of the Camera Summary window consists of two buttons, Save Changes and Discard Changes. Click Save Changes to keep all your settings. Click Discard Changes to cancel any modifications you have made. If you wish to return to the Viewer, select View >...
Chapter Configuring Recording Schedules This chapter details how to configure recording schedules for cameras on the network. This is intended for Administrators.
Configure Normal Recording About the Recording Schedules window - Normal Recording The Recording Schedules window is used for configuring recording settings for each known Camera Server on the network. In the Configuration and Preferences Screen, click the Recording Schedules tab and ensure the Normal Schedule radio button is set.
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Time Scale for schedules Location Zones representing Camera schedule camera areas time bars Click and drag the Click and drag the horizontal scroll-bar vertical scroll-bar to the right to view downward to view other schedule days. any other zones. Selecting multiple items and dragging or moving While holding down the Ctrl key, click on individual schedule items to select them.
Configure Normal Recording Create, Edit and Delete Recording Schedule Items To add or edit a schedule for a camera in a zone, you need to launch the Add Schedule Item or Edit Schedule Item dialog respectively. Step 1: Change Storage Server if necessary If you wish to display another Storage Server’s schedule, click the Storage Server menu, otherwise proceed to Step 2.
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Configure Normal Recording The minimum duration for a schedule item is 15 minutes. If you try to create a shorter schedule, an error message will appear. Note You cannot create overlapping schedule items. Set start and end times for one or more days.
Configure Normal Recording Add/Edit Schedule Item dialog - Schedule field To set the schedule for a camera’s recording period: Step 1: Set the recording period in the Start and End boxes Click the hours or minutes fields to select, then click the up/down arrows to change time.
Configure Normal Recording Add/Edit Schedule Item dialog - Recording Settings field This section of the dialog allows you to set flexible parameters for recording. You can record a Camera Server continuously at 1 frame per second and, for example, set recording to increase to 30 frames per second when motion occurs.
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Configure Normal Recording Step 3: Choose a preset angle and adjust backlight compensation In the Preview field a live preview is given of the selected camera view when connected. Select a Preset camera position from the drop-down menu of available camera angles, to retain a live preview from that angle.
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Configure Normal Recording You can also configure the Night Mode setting if you use a VC-C50i/VC-C50iR connected to a VB150. Step 5: Set the External Outputs If outputs are available, click the drop-down menu to set them On or Not Specified. When selecting a higher resolution, make sure you have enough hard disk space for your recorded video.
Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Recording Schedule dialog - Motion and Sensor Settings In the Add/Edit Recording Schedule dialog, there are two options available for setting recording parameters. To enable recording options and adjust settings: Tick one or both boxes and click the Settings... button Tick each box to enable the functions.
Canon accepts no liability whatsoever for faults, etc. resulting from the use of the Motion Detection function. If continuous and motion detection recording are both set and pre event recording is configured, pre event recording will be at the continuous frame rate setting instead of the motion event frame rate setting.
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Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Step 2: Set the active region for recording In the Active Region field, adjust the region where motion detection is triggered. By default, the Active Region is the full area. Click one of the corner or edge handles and hold down the mouse button.
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Configure Motion and Sensor Settings The Motion Detection Options field also allows you to set the sensitivity for motion detection within the Active Region. There are three controls, Sensitivity, Area Ratio and Duration. Settings for these determine how great the variation of motion detection will be, how large the changed area will be (a proportion of the detection area set) and how long the variation will continue before it is recognized as motion and the event is triggered.
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Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Set the Sensitivity The available sensitivity settings range from 1 to 256. You can select either Low-Med or Med High sensitivity ranges for finer control. Click the Low radio button to set the sensitivity range from 1 to 128, or, Click the High radio button to set the sensitivity range from 129 to 256.
Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Step 5: Set frame rate and pre and post event recording duration In the Record Video At field: Max. Frame Rate - select a maximum frame rate for recorded video from the drop-down menu. Choose from 0.1 frames per second to 30 frames per second (5 is the default).
Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Recording Schedule - Edit Sensor Events Settings You can specify recording settings based on the occurrence of a sensor event. A number of tabs in the Sensor Event Settings dialog are shown to reflect the number of sensors on each camera.
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Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Step 2: Enable recording and set an event priority Tick Record on this sensor to enable recording when a sensor is triggered. Select the event’s priority from a drop-down list, from 1. Highest to 5. Lowest. You cannot modify the sensor name (identified as the ‘External Device Input Name’...
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Configure Motion and Sensor Settings Step 4: Set frame rate and pre and post event recording duration In the Record Video At field: Max. Frame Rate - select a maximum frame rate for recorded video from the drop-down menu. Choose from 0.1 frames per second to 30 frames per second (5 is the default).
Saving Normal Recording Changes When you have finished Normal Recording configuration... The bottom right-hand corner of the Recording Schedules window consists of two buttons, Save Schedule and Discard Changes. Click Save Schedule to keep all your settings. The settings are then saved to the Storage Server.
Configure Special Day Recording About Special Day Recording The Special Day Schedule window is used for configuring particular days such as public holidays. Special Day schedules override any periods set in the Normal Schedule. In the Configuration and Preferences Screen, click the Recording Schedules tab and ensure the Special Day Schedule radio button is set.
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Storage Server selector Single day schedule area (24 hours) Location Zone representing camera areas in the Location Schedule Type selector Day selector Click and drag the scroll-bar(s) to view more schedules if necessary. The scheduling area functions the same as the Normal Recording Schedule but only covers a single day.
Configure Special Day Recording Add and Edit a Schedule Type The Add Schedule Type dialog allows you to create a name for a new schedule type, for example, a public holiday. You must create a schedule type first before you can associate days with it.
Configure Special Day Recording To edit a schedule type, click the Edit button ln the Special Day Schedule window, click a schedule type in the Schedule Type list to select it. Click the Edit button. This will bring up the Edit Schedule Type dialog.
Configure Special Day Recording Add a Day The Select Date calendar allows you to select a day that can be used for the schedule type. To add a day: Click a Schedule Type and click ‘Add’ below the Days field Click on a day in the Schedule Type list, for example, ‘Company Holidays’...
Configure Special Day Recording Alternatively, click the current month and a month selector will appear. To select another year, click the current year and scroll up or down, using the up/down arrows. Delete a Day To delete a day from a schedule type: Select a Schedule Type and a day and click the Delete button ln the Special Day Schedule window, click a schedule type in the Schedule Type list, for...
Saving Special Day Changes When you have finished Special Day configuration... The bottom right-hand corner of the Recording Schedules window consists of two buttons, Save Schedule and Discard Changes. Click Save Schedule to keep all your settings. The settings are then saved to the Storage Server.
Chapter Configuring Viewer Settings This chapter outlines how to configure settings that are specific to the Viewer. This is intended for Administrators.
Configure Viewer Settings About the Viewer Settings window The Viewer Settings window is used for configuring individual Viewer settings such as notification priorities and the live viewing frame rate. Settings are stored on the Viewer PC, not on the Master Storage Server. Click the Viewer Settings tab to display the window.
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Select frame rate from drop-down menu. Lower frame rates ensure less load on the network and Viewer. This may lead to higher frame rates for recording and may allow a larger number of Video Windows to be viewed. Enable larger Video Window captions in the Viewer.
Configure Viewer Settings Viewer Settings window - Use large captions for Video Windows Tick Use large captions for Video Windows to enable easier-to-read Video Window captions in the Viewer. Standard caption in Video Window. Large caption in Video Window. Viewer Settings window - Identify the Master Storage Server A Master Storage Server maintains settings for Camera Servers and Layouts created in the Viewer.
Configure Viewer Settings Viewer Settings window - Edit Event Notifications When an event occurs, it is indicated in the Live Events Log in the Viewer. In the Viewer Settings window, Event Notification Settings area, you can set up actions based on events according to the priority of the event.
Saving Viewer Settings When you have finished configuring Viewer settings... The bottom right-hand corner of Viewer Settings window consists of two buttons, Save Changes and Discard Changes. Click Save Changes to keep all your settings. The Viewer settings are then saved to the local disk (the computer the Viewer resides on).
PART 2: USING THE VIEWER APPLICATION Chapter Using the Viewer - Operator Login This chapter outlines how to start the Viewer and gives a brief overview of the Viewing Screen.
Viewing Screen Example Location selector Menu bar Drop-down menu indicating Access common locations available in the menus from here. system. Zone selector Drop-down menu indicating zones within a location. Camera Control Panel A range finder enables you to control a camera and quickly determine a camera position.
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Camera Selection Area Video Window menu Thumbnail representations of cameras can be Select preset camera dragged onto the Viewing Area for viewing. angles as well as custom pan, tilt and zoom. Initiate a manual recording, capture a still frame and select a Video Window size.
Starting the Viewing Screen Before you can use the Viewing Screen, make sure you have a password. Access is setup by your System Administrator. If you Note have Administrator privileges, you can also configure Network Video Recorder settings. Launching Procedure Before you launch the Viewer, make sure your monitor resolution is set to a minimum of 1024 x 768 pixels.
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Step 2: Enter User Name and Password After launching, the Login dialog will appear. Enter your User Name and Password ( P. 30), and then click the Login button to continue. The Viewing Screen will appear. Your VK-64 User Name and Password will have been set up in the Storage Server Configuration utility and may be different from your Note Windows User Name and Password.
Viewing Screen Menu bar Menu Bar Functions The following table lists the Viewing Screen menus. Menu Menu sub-item Function File Exit Closes the application. Edit In the Viewing Screen, this action removes the selected Video Window and places it on the clipboard to be pasted into the same or another Layout.
Selecting Cameras for Viewing About the Camera Selection Area The Camera Selection Area is used to display all the cameras currently available for monitoring from the network. You can select currently-available cameras via the Location and Zone drop-down menus and then place them into the Viewing Area as Video Windows. The Location drop-down menu lists the physical locations of cameras on the system.
Selecting Locations and their Zones Selection is performed in the following order: Click and drag Select a Select a Zone thumbnails to Location in that Location view live video Step 1: Select a Location from the drop-down menu Click the Location drop-down menu or on the down arrow.
Basic Video Window Functions Creating, scaling and moving Video Windows Once you have chosen a location and chosen a zone, you are ready to view one or more cameras in that zone. Camera thumbnail images are used to create Video Windows in the Viewing Area.
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Re-size a Video Window Click a video window to highlight it. An arrow icon will appear in the lower right corner. Click the arrow icon and drag outwards (the mouse pointer becomes a double-arrow). You can also click on the other corners and drag to re-size the window.
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Basic Video Window Functions Step 3: Add more Video Windows Click and drag other camera thumbnails onto the Viewing Area to create Video Windows for monitoring. Your Viewing Screen could look like this. Arranging Video Windows There are various ways you can manage the layout of Video Windows in the Viewing Area and this is discussed in the next chapter.
Basic Video Window Functions Selecting Multiple Video Windows You can select multiple video windows easily. To select more than one Video Window: There are three ways to select multiple windows: On your keyboard, hold down the Ctrl key and click each Video Window to select them, or Click outside the Video Windows and drag a selection box around the Video Windows you want...
Video Window States Video Window Properties include: Title bar - indicates name of camera, live or recorded viewing. Video display - displays live or recorded information. Pre-recorded video indicator - displays a time/date stamp in the title bar for recorded footage. Event indicator - displays a colored bar across the top of the Video Window.
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Each Video Window displays video from an individual camera. Video Windows can be re-sized, repositioned or closed. Title bar The title bar consists of menu, camera name and live or recorded status. Video display conditions Live video, Recorded video, Normal status Playback The lightning symbol in the lower right-hand...
Adjust Pan, Tilt and Zoom Viewing Live Video - Adjusting Pan, Tilt and Zoom This is done in one of three ways: (VB-C50FSi and VB-C50Fi have Zoom only). Directly from within the Video Window, Using the Camera Control Panel, or Selecting a Preset Camera Angle.
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Using the Camera Control Panel Pan/Tilt controls. Click to Click and drag To display, select View > Camera nudge or click and hold for Zoom slider. Control from the VK-64 menu bar. continuous movement. If a Video Window is not selected, the preview window will be blank.
Other Video Window Functions Change the size of a Video Window Apart from manually clicking on the corner and dragging out the Video Window to a new size, you can also select a set size from the Video Window menu. To change the display size of a Video Window via the menu: Open the Video Window menu and select ‘Video Display Size’...
User-initiated Recording A manual recording with a duration of one minute can be initiated at the maximum frame rate. The manual recording is displayed on the Timeline and Live Events Log as ‘Manual Rec. (username)’. This is handy for capturing random events not associated with sensor recording or outside preset recording times.
Other Video Window Functions Click Shade Correction to correct shaded areas in the Video Window. This affects the individual Video Window on display, i.e., any duplicate (unselected) windows are not affected. Shade Correction is discussed below. Click Admin Viewer to activate the WebView Livescope Admin Viewer if it is installed and you are running VK-64 in Administrator mode.
Managing Video Layouts About the Layout menu The Layout menu allows you to save particular Video Window layouts for easy monitoring and access of cameras. The name of the currently-displayed layout can be found in the top-left corner of the Viewing Area, next to the Layout button.
Organizing Layouts and Layout Sequences The Organize Layouts & Layout Sequences dialog allows you to create folders and sub-folders in which to save layouts and layout sequences ( P. 118). To display the dialog: Open the Layout menu and select ‘Organize...’ The Organize Layouts &...
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Managing Video Layouts Move or Copy a layout or layout Sequence to another folder... In the Organize Layouts & Layout Sequences dialog, click an item to highlight it, then click the Move to Folder... button. The Select destination folder dialog opens showing a list of created folders. Click a folder in the list to highlight it, and then click the OK button to close the dialog.
Managing Video Layouts Saving a Layout or Layout Sequence Administrators and Operators can save layouts and layout sequences to an existing folder or a new folder via the Save Layout dialog. Step 1: Open the Layout menu and select ‘Save’ or ‘Save As...’ The Save Layout dialog opens (further ‘Save’...
Managing Video Layouts Arranging Layout Sequences You can set up an automated sequence of shared and personal layouts to display in the Viewing Area at set intervals. From the Layout menu, select New Layout Sequence..The Layout Sequence dialog displays. Enter a sequence name for the new layout sequence and choose a Type: of layout sequence from the menu, Personal Layout Sequence or Shared Layout Sequence (you can switch between the two as you add layouts).
Working with Layout Grids You can customize your layouts by applying one of the following grids: Alignment Grid - creates a grid of dots where you can re-size Video Windows of higher priority while reducing others of lower priority. Small Grid, Medium Grid and Large Grid - creates a small, medium or large grid where you can place Video Windows in a tile-like manner.
Working with Layout Grids Create and align more Video Windows Drag more thumbnail images onto the Viewing Area grid and re-size them to suit your viewing requirements as shown in this example. Working with Small, Medium and Large Grids When you select Small Grid, Medium Grid or Large Grid from the Layout Grids sub-menu, the Viewing Area displays ‘cells’...
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Working with Layout Grids The Viewing Area with a Small Grid could look like this: The Viewing Area with a Medium Grid could look like this: A maximum of 16 cameras is recommended in the Layout Area. Although you can add more, the number of Video Windows you can Note display simultaneously will depend on your video card, the speed of your computer, the maximum frame rate configured with Viewer...
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Working with Layout Grids The Viewing Area with a Large Grid could look like this: In this example, the Camera Selection Area and Timeline are hidden ( P. 124) and the screen resolution is set to 1600 x 1200. If your screen resolution is set to 1280 x 1024, the four Video Windows fully shown here will fill the screen area.
Working with Layout Grids Working with the Custom Grid The Custom Grid feature allows you to set a custom-size for displaying Video Windows. Set a custom grid Select Custom Grid from the Layout Grids sub-menu. The Custom Grid dialog appears. Values are given in pixels. In the Horizontal or Vertical field, overwrite the existing value with a custom value, or use the up/down arrows to select a value.
Hiding and Showing Task Areas Using the View menu to hide and show Task Areas The View menu allows you to show/hide task areas and other display elements in the Viewer. When you unselect Camera Selector and Timeline and then select Fullscreen, the result is a large area in the Viewer for displaying more Video Windows as shown below in the Large Grid example.
Chapter Using the Timeline and Viewing Events This chapter shows you how to use the Timeline for live and pre-recorded viewing as well as view and search events.
Using the Timeline Timeline Overview On the Viewing Screen, a timeline of past events associated with displayed cameras is shown in the Timeline Area at the bottom of the Viewer as colored bars. Selecting a colored bar moves the playhead to the event and the associated Video Window is switched to playback mode.
Monitoring Live Video in relation to the Timeline When a Video Window is created from a camera thumbnail, video is seen live. The Playhead (shown below, right) will be in a ‘live’ position and remain fixed as time scrolls to the left underneath, representing the passage of real time.
Using the Timeline Using the Timeline to examine, play and extract video You can view pre-recorded video by moving the Playhead control in the Timeline or entering a timecode and jumping to it. Methods include: Use the Playback Controls Click the VCR-like controls to play, rewind, fast forward, nudge or move to previous and next events (as detailed on page 126).
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Using the Timeline Click and drag the time bar to move through the Timeline... Move your mouse pointer over the time bar and it becomes a hand. Click and drag to the left or right to move back or forward in time. You can only scroll right to the current time, or ‘live’...
Using the Timeline Zoom in and out of the Timeline Click Zoom In to zoom into a time period in the Event Display Area. The Timeline will expand and you can examine time in more detail. Click Zoom Out to zoom outwards from the Timeline. Click an event to select it When you click an event to select it, the associated...
Using the Timeline Extracting video to save to another location A portion of video can be saved to another location if required. Files are automatically saved as QuickTime .mov format and can be viewed in a QuickTime player or any other player that supports .mov files.
Viewing and Searching Events About Live Events The Live Events Log displays events that have occurred with one or more cameras after the Viewer has been launched. Events are color coded according to priority. The Live Events Log opens automatically when you launch the Viewer, if left open in a previous session.
Display the Live Events Log (if not displayed) To display the Live Events Log if it is not displayed: Select View > Live Events From the VK-64 Menu Bar, select:View > Live Events. The Live Events Log opens. Once selected, the menu item will be ticked next time you display it.
Viewing and Searching Events Searching Events If you have multiple events, you can initiate a search for a particular event via the Event Search dialog. Note that you cannot acknowledge an event from this dialog. To launch the Event Search Dialog: Click the Event Search button On the Timeline, click the Event Search button.
Viewing and Searching Events Selecting Criteria for Searching When you initiate a search, certain criteria can be specified such as Priority, Location and Zone on the network, a date range when the event may have occurred and a time period. To initiate a search: Step 1: Select a date and time range to search Click in the From: and To: date panels and overwrite the existing entries for...
Viewing and Searching Events Step 4: Select a type of Event Select a type of Event from the drop-down list. Step 5: Select a State Select a State for the event, whether it was On or Off during the period. Alternatively, select All States. Step 6: Select a Priority Select a Priority from the drop-down list.
Troubleshooting VK-64 You may encounter the following situations while using VK-64. If you encounter difficulties that are not discussed in this section, please consult your System Administrator. Viewing Screen and Video Windows The following issues may arise during normal operation of the Viewer: Some of the thumbnails are not showing in the Camera Selection Area.
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Live and recorded video is not good quality (this does not relate to Resolution). Situation In a Video Window, the live quality may be different from another Video Window and the recorded video (when you play back video) is also not good quality.
Troubleshooting After running a Layout Sequence for some time, it is no longer possible to connect to some of the cameras. Situation Immediately after launching the Layout Sequence, live images from all the cameras can be displayed, but after several minutes or hours, the video from a number of cameras is no longer displayed.
Troubleshooting Cannot configure camera not to record. Situation You have attempted to modify a camera and set ‘Do not record’ in the Edit Camera Server dialog. A message appears stating the camera is already set up without recording. Solution In the Camera Server list of the Storage and Camera Server Summary screen, Locations / Zones tab, the selected camera will have more than one listing.
Troubleshooting VK-64 The Configuration and Preferences screen takes a long time to open. Situation When you switch from the Viewing Screen to the Configuration and Preferences screen, a Please wait... message appears and remains on screen for a long time. Solution You may have a lot of cameras to disconnect from as waiting time is dependent on disconnecting from each camera/Camera Server on the...
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Appendix Example Operating Conditions This appendix outlines example Storage Server and Camera Server situations.
Example Operating Conditions This section provides information that may help you in specifying and configuring a computer to use as a Storage Server. Every installation of VK-64 is different (due to different usage requirements and different hardware specifications) and the figures Note provided in this section are an indication only.
Bandwidth and Disk Space The bandwidth and disk space requirements for using VK-64 can be determined by calculating the recording frame rate, number of camera servers and frame size. For example, a system using: 16 camera servers (VB-C50i) each recording continuously at 5 fps, With each camera set to Medium Size for video capture and Quality set to 50, and Frame size* per single frame is approximately 15 KB...
Example Operating Conditions Example of Hard Disk Capacity (6 units of VB-C50i, 1fps, retention period of 30 days) Resolution Quality Frame Size (KB) Required HDD Capacity (GB) 11.1 164.6 320x240 15.1 224.0 25.4 376.7 36.4 539.9 640x480 49.2 729.7 85.5 1268.1 Captured with NTSC model.
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Example Operating Conditions Threshold Level When case 1 or 2 below is satisfied, the Storage Server begins deleting video files, starting with the earliest ones. The Storage Server keeps recording video. At the same time, the Storage Server generates event notification. 1) When the Storage Server disk space used exceeds the following value: a.
Example Operating Conditions The requirements of ‘Threshold Level’ may be achieved before the requirements of ‘Low Disk Warning Level’ are satisfied, depending on Note circumstances. For example, large numbers of cameras with limited disk capacity may bring a larger value for ‘(Numbers of camera + 1) * 32MB +96MB’, compared with the value of ‘[Disk capacity] * [Low disk space notification threshold] /100’.
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Example Operating Conditions These are samples from a specific configuration. As many factors can influence the actual performance possible Note (including networking equipment, disk write speed, complexity of camera image, etc), the actual performance of VK-64 recording in a specific installation will vary. Please be sure to confirm under the actual installation conditions before starting operations.
Application Data\Canon\WebView\NVR\conf\ Viewer [System Drive]:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ Viewer Application Data\Canon\ WebView\NVR\ [System Drive] is a drive that contains a folder in which the Operating System files are stored. For example, if the Operating Note System is installed on Drive C, your system drive is C Drive.
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