Cisco UBR924 - uBR 924 Router Troubleshooting Tips page 51

Cable access router
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Table 8
Show Controllers Cable-Modem MAC State Field Descriptions (continued)
Maximum Burst Size
Guard Time Size
Last Codeword Length
Scrambler on/off
Network Access
Vendor ID
Auth. Wait Timeout
Reauth. Wait Timeout
Auth. Grace Time
Op. Wait Timeout
Retry Wait Timeout
TEK Grace Time
Auth. Reject Wait Time
Assigned SID
Max Downstream Rate
Max Upstream Rate
Upstream Priority
Min Upstream Rate
Max Upstream Burst
Privacy Enable
Ranging Backoff Start
Maximum number of mini-slots that can be transmitted during this burst type. When
the interval type is Short Data Grant, this value must be greater than 0. If this value is
0, the burst size is limited elsewhere.
Amount of time in symbols between the center of the last symbol of a burst and the
center of the first symbol of the preamble of an immediately following burst in an
upstream transmission from the Cisco uBR924 to the CMTS.
Indicates whether or not the length of the last codeword is fixed or shortened.
(1 = fixed; 2 = shortened)
Indicates whether or not a scrambler is enabled in the upstream modulator.
(1 = on; 2 = off)
Indicates whether or not the Cisco uBR924 has access to the HFC network.
Unique identifier specifying the cable modem manufacturer.
Number of seconds the Cisco uBR924 waits for a reply after sending the
Authorization Request message to the CMTS.
Number of seconds the Cisco uBR924 waits for a reply after it has sent an
Authorization Request message to the CMTS in response to a reauthorization request
or an Authorization Invalid message from the CMTS.
Number of seconds before the current authorization is set to expire that the grace
timer begins, signaling the Cisco uBR924 to begin the reauthorization process.
Number of seconds the TEK state machine waits for a reply from the CMTS after
sending its initial Key Request for its SID's keying material.
Number of seconds the TEK state machine waits for a replacement key for this SID
after the TEK grace timer has expired and the request for a replacement key has been
Number of seconds before the current TEK is set to expire that the TEK grace timer
begins, signaling the TEK state machine to request a replacement key.
Number of seconds the Cisco uBR924 waits before sending another Authorization
Request message to the CMTS after it has received an Authorization Reject message.
Service ID assigned by the CMTS for the corresponding service class.
Maximum downstream rate in bits per second that the CMTS is permitted to forward
to CPE unicast MAC addresses learned or configured as mapping to this
Cisco uBR924. (This does not include MAC packets addressed to broadcast or
multicast MAC addresses.)
Maximum upstream rate in bits per second that the Cisco uBR924 is permitted to
forward to the RF network. This includes packet PDU data packets addressed to
broadcast or multicast addresses.
Relative priority assigned to this service class for data transmission in the upstream
channel. Higher numbers indicate higher priority.
Date rate in bits per second that will be guaranteed to this service class on the
upstream channel.
Maximum transmit burst in bytes allowed for this service class on the upstream
Indicates whether or not Baseline Privacy is enabled for this service class.
Initial back-off window for initial ranging contention, expressed as a power of 2.
Valid values are from 0 to 15.
Troubleshooting Tips for the Cisco uBR924 Cable Access Router 51
show controllers cable-modem mac


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