Table of Contents


Follow Track

Create Track
Rider 460 provides 3 ways to create tracks: 1. Plan trip via Bryton Active App. 2. Import routes
from 3rd party platforms. 3. Auto sync routes from Strava, Komoot and RideWithGPS.
Plan Trips via Bryton Active App
Import routes from 3rd-Party Platforms
1. In Bryton Active App, select Course > My Route > + >
Plan trip to set a Start point and Destination by tapping
on the map or inputting address in the left Search Bar.
2. Upload the planned trip to My Route by tapping Save.
3. Go to My Route and select the route. Click the ... in
the upper right corner to download the route to your
Bryton device.
4. In the Device Main Menu,Click Course > Route to find
the route and press
1. Download routes in gpx file from 3rd party platform.
2. Select Open in Active (for iOS) or Open files with
Bryton Active App (for Android).
3. Select Course > My Route in Bryton Active App.
4. Here you can see the routes imported to the App.
5. Select the upper right icon ... to download the route
to your device.
6. In the Device Main Menu,Click Course > Route to find
the route and press
to start following the track.
to start following the track.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents