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Names And Operation Of The Parts - Panasonic RK-T55 Operating Instructions Manual

Electronic typewriter


• It's a good idea to keep these
Operating Instructions open at
this page when using the unit.
a .
Names and Operation of
the Function Keys
Dust Cover
To use the unit first remove the Dust
Cover, as shown in the figure.
Mode Key ( M O D E ) *
By pressing this key, the operation mode will change.
" T P W R " , "L/L", and " J U S T " can be selected.
Refer to page 23.
Pitch Key (PITCH)*
By pressing this key, the pitch will change. "10", "12",
"15", and "PS" can be selected.
Refer to page 25.
Line Spacing Key (LINE S P A C E ) *
By pressing this key, the line spacing will change. "1
"IVi", and " 2 " can be selected.
Refer to page 25.
Left Margin Set Key (L M A R ) * -
Refer to page 19.
Right Margin Set Key (R MAR)«
Refer to page 19.
Tab Set Key (TAB S E T ) *
Refer to page 19.
Tab Clear Key (TAB C L R ) *
Refer to page 20.
Margin Release Key (MAR REL)
The left or right margin is released
t e m p o r a r i l y .
Refer to page 20.
* T a b Key (TAB)
The Carriage moves to the next tab
R e
e r l o p a g e 2 0
Forward Key [FWD ( • ) ] *
The cursor on the LCD Display
will move one character to the
right. When the unit is in the
Typewriter (TPWR) Mode, the
Carriage will move one space to
the right.
Delete Key « x ]
) *
This key is used to delete printed characters or characters on the LCD
Refer to pages 21 and 22.
Back Space Key [BACK S P A C E ( A ) ] *
The Carriage or the cursor on the LCD Display will move one
character to the left.
Code Key ( C O D E ) *
The CODE Key is used in combination with other keys to
modify their functions. Make sure the CODE Key is held
down when pressing the other key.
Keyboard Key ( K B ) *
By pressing this key, the keyboard will change. " K B I " and
"KBII" can be selected.
Refer to page 26.
• • • IT] 0 • • B • E • Id
] • B D Q D B D D Q D Q
Shift Lock Key and Shift Indicator ( L O C K ) *
Press this key for continuous typing of capital letters or the symbols
shown at the upper part of the keys. Press the SHIFT Key to
cancel the shift lock.
•Shift Indicator
This indicator lights in the shifted condition.
Shift Key ( S H I F T ) *
When a character key is pressed while this key is being pressed,
the capital letter or the symbol shown on the top part of the key
will be printed.
1 11
"Space Bar
The Carriage moves by one space to the right.
Micro Spacing Key ( M I C R O SPACE)
By pressing this key, the Carriage will move to the
right by one micro pitch (Vfeo inch).
Repeat Key (REPEAT)
The operation of the key pressed immediately before this key
will be repeated.
R e f e r t o p a g e 2 6
Quick Erase Key (QUICK E R A S E ) *
This key is used to automatically erase one word at a time.
Relocation Key and Express Back Space K e y *
This key is used to move the Carriage to the position after the last
printed character on the current line.
If the RELOC • EXPRESS Key is pressed while pressing the CODE
Key, the Carriage will move to the left margin without a line feed.
•Print ON/OFF Key
This key is used to start or stop the
printout of the text stored in the
Text Memory.
Refer to pages 34 to 56.
This key is used for entering into the Text Memory Mode or
for exiting from the Text Memory Mode.
Refer to pages 34 to 56.
Copy Key (COPY)
This key is used to copy text to a new file.
Refer to pages 39 to 56.
Block Key (BLOCK)
This key is used to move, delete, or copy a block
of text during text editing.
Refer to pages 39 and 40.
^Carriage Return Key (AUTO)
By pressing this key, the " A U T O " Indicator will
light, and the Automatic Carriage Return Mode
will be set.
Refer to page 27.
External Key (EXT)
By pressing this key, the " E X T " Indicator will
light, and the External Mode will be set.
Refer to page 28.
Index Key (INDEX)
Moves the paper forward one half line.
•Underlined Key (xxx)
By pressing this key, the "xxx" Indicator will light, and the
Underlined Printing Mode will be set.
Reverse Index Key (REV INDEX)
Moves the paper backward one half line.
i B o l d Key (BOLD)
By pressing this key, the " B O L D " Indicator will light, and the Bold
Printing Mode will be set.
^Return Key (RETURN)
The Carriage moves to the left margin or paragraph indent position of
the next line.
Shift Key (SHIFT)

