Warranty - CareCo Titan MS03039 Usage And Maintenance Instructions

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Titan Mobility Scooter - MS03039

6. Warranty

Quality / Warranty Declaration
Products are to be fit for purpose and of excellent quality and performance. For valid warranty claims CareCo (UK) Ltd
will, at their discretion, replace / repair / refund items mutually agreed to be defective.
The scooter's warranty is as follows:-
Frame: Two year limited warranty
Controllers: One and a half year limited warranty
Electronic Components and Charger: One year limited warranty
Warranty Exclusion: The following items are not covered by warranty:-
Motor Brushes / Wheel Tyres / Arm Pads
Seat Cushion / Fuses and Bulbs / Tiller Cover
Rear Shroud / Front Shroud Batteries and Consumable Parts
Any damage or defect of any nature occurring from the misuse, abuse of the product, improper operation or improper
storage is not to be covered. The warranty is to start from the date of arrival of our products.
CareCo, Hubert Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4JE


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