Glossary And Terminology - WAMGROUP TOREX VM Series Assembly And Main Instructions For Use And Maintenance

Pinch valves
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1.3 Glossary and terminology

Operator: person appropriately trained and authorized by the Production Manager for setting up the valve
concerned and carrying out routine maintenance.
Installer: organization with specialized technicians and appropriate equipment for carrying out risk-free instal-
lation and extraordinary maintenance.
Specialist technician: person responsible for and authorized by the Manufacturer, owner or installer to act on
the valve; must have specific technical skills depending on the sector concerned (electrical, mechanical etc.).
The specialist technician, in addition to being familiar with the working of the valve concerned, must be familiar
with the working of the plant or equipment on which the valve concerned is installed.
Routine maintenance: includes all the actions necessary to keep the valve in good working conditions, to
ensure greater operating durability and to keep the safety requisites constant.
Extraordinary maintenance: all the actions meant to keep the valve in perfect working order.
Setting in safety conditions: all the precautions the authorized personnel must adopt before acting on
the valve concerned.
The precautions are listed below.
- Ensure that the valve concerned is disconnected from all the mains and appropriate devices are
used to prevent these from being reconnected accidentally.
- Ensure that all the moving parts of the valve have come to a complete stop.
- Ensure the temperature of the valve concerned is such that it does not burn.
- Provide appropriate lighting in the area around the operations.
- Wait for the material to be handled inside the valve concerned to settle down completely.
Issue: A


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