Leak Screen - Laversab 6300-M3 User Manual

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actual value will always increase in both altitude and in knots for about 5 seconds, regardless
of the target value. Once this process is complete, the actual values will move towards the
target values.
This process is part of the "Measure" (or "Leak") to "Control" transition, and will take place
only when the transition to "Control" takes place within 2000 feet of Ground and 150 knots.


Although most of the operation of the 6300-M3 will be performed while in the Main Operating
Screen described above, at times, the Leak Screen is also accessed.
If BOTH Pitot and Static outputs are simultaneously put into the "Leak" mode, the display
changes to a special Leak screen that is explained below in Section 3.3.1: Timed-Leak Screen.
When ONLY ONE of the Pitot or Static outputs is put into the "Leak" mode, the display
changes to the Leak Screen (after pressing GO). A sample Static Leak Screen is shown below.
Timer: 00:20
Pt =
A sample Pitot Leak Screen is shown below.
Start: 200.0 kts
Curr: 199.5 kts
Timer: 00:20
Ps = 0 feet
The parameters shown in the Leak Screen are:
a. Start: This is the reading at which the leak test was started.
b. Curr: This is the current reading of the output being leak checked
c. Timer: Shows the elapsed time of the leak test in minutes and seconds
d. Pt: (Ps:) Shows the actual value of the output that is not in leak test.
e. Instant Leak rate: Shows the instantaneous rate at which the output is leaking. For the
Static leak check this number is updated every 0.25 seconds and shows "0" for leaks
less than 20 ft/min. For the Pitot leak check this number is updated every 3 seconds.
f. Per min. leak rate: This is the amount the output has leaked in the past full minute. It is
updated at the end of every minute on the timer. Until the first minute has elapsed it
shows "WAIT".
5000 feet
4990 feet
200 kts
Instant Leak rate
Per min. Leak rate
WAIT Feet/m
Instant Leak rate
Per min. Leak rate
WAIT knots/m


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