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Heartland Encore Owner's Manual page 12


Press the Start/Stop button. The current value for that parameter will be displayed and flashing.
The Heartland Timer will show a number with a period illuminated in the lower center of the display.
The number shown is the current value for that parameter.
For Lamp, Session Counts, etc. the value displayed can be as high as 9999. To display this value, the
Heartland Timer will flash tow numbers-three times, then two numbers-three times, pause, two num-
bers-three times, two numbers-three times, pause, etc. For example, if you are checking lam hours
(Parameter 6) and the display flashes the numbers 53 three times, then 14 three times, pauses then
repeats, then the total lamp hours stored in that Heartland Timer is 5314.
Press the Up and Down buttons to change the parameter to the desired value. If you want to clear the
that parameter, press the Up and Down buttons at the same time until the display shows 0.0.
Press the Start/Stop button. The display will show the parameter number you just change and a solid
period in the lower center of the display. You may now change another parameter by pressing the Up
and Down buttons until the parameter that you want to change is displayed. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each
parameter you want to change.
To exit the Parameter mode and make the Heartland Timer available for the next session, press and hold
the both Up and Down buttons until the display shows a 0 with no periods displayed.
value for

