Prior To Com M Issioning; Com M Issioning For The First Tim E; Autom Atic Calibration Function - UTICA BOILERS MAHF-75 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

Condensing gas fired boiler
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Asphyxiat ion hazard! Fill condensat e t rap before
st art ing boiler t o avoid com bust ion product s escaping
boiler. Failure t o follow t hese inst ruct ions could result
in deat h or serious inj ury.
All connect ions shall be m ade and wat er added
before perform ing t his funct ion.
9 .6 Prior t o Com m issioning:
• Verify door is ON boiler;
• Check syst em pressure is correct ;
• Power boiler;
• Open gas t ap ( posit ioned under boiler) ;
• Select required heat ing m ode. See sect ion 10.4
Operat ing Modes.

9 .7 Com m issioning For The First Tim e:

Turn power t o boiler on. Code " 0 0 0 " appears on t he
display. Appliance is ready for "com m issioning" procedure.
at t he sam e t im e. Hold for 6 seconds.
"On" appears on t he display for 2 seconds followed by
code "3 1 2 " indicat ing "de- a era t ion" funct ion is act ive.
This funct ion last s 10 m inut es.
Burner will ignit e aft er deaerat ion funct ion is com plet e.
Display will show code "0 0 0 " alt ernat ing wit h % of
ignit ion power and t em perat ure value ( ° F / ° C) .
• During this gas recognit ion funct ion phase which lasts
about 7 m inutes, type of gas being used is analyzed.
• During this function, ensure m axim um heat exchange
out to the system with all zones and circulators running.
Maintain system tem perature below 176° F for duration of
the process until N G or LPG are seen on the display.
• I f boiler operat es on Gas A ( Nat ural Gas) and display
shows LPG ( Gas E) , press
and hold down for at least 4 seconds t o exit wit hout
changing fact ory set t ing. Boiler will st ay set t o Nat ural
• I f boiler operat es on Gas A ( Nat ural Gas) , display shows
N G ( Nat ural Gas) for about 10 seconds. Boiler is now
ready for norm al operat ion.
• I f boiler operates with Gas A ( Natural Gas) and the
display shows LPG ( Gas E) , press
and hold down for at least 4 seconds to exit the function.
Change param eter P0 2 = 0 1 as described in section 9.15
Param eter Settings of boiler I nstallation, Operation and
Maintenance Manual. Perform Autom atic Calibration
Function. Manual Calibration m ay be necessary if
combustion is not within specified range.
• I f boiler operates on Gas E ( LPG) and display shows LPG,
for at least 6 seconds to confirm gas used.
• After fuel type is detected confirm P0 2 is set for the
desired fuel type by checking param eter see section 9.15.
During Gas Recognition Function, firing rate will increase for a
short period of tim e while gas type is being established.
t oget her
5 1
I f dearation or gas recognition function is interrupted by
power blackout, start function again when power is restored.
together and hold at sam e tim e for at least
6 seconds.
Boiler must not shutoff during calibration.
N o t e
Open all heating zones in heating or DHW
mode to ensure boiler does not shutoff.
9 .8 Aut om a t ic Ca libra t ion Funct ion
Before perform ing t his funct ion verify t he door is on t he
boiler and t here are no heat dem ands in progress.
During t his funct ion ensure t here is m axim um heat
exchange t o t he syst em in Heat ing or DHW m ode ( DHW
request) to avoid boiler shutting off due to overheating.
t oget her and hold for about 6
seconds. When display indicat es " On " press
3 seconds aft er pressing previous but t ons.
I m por t a n t : I f display indicat es " 3 0 3 " Aut om at ic
Calibrat ion funct ion has not been act ivat ed.
Disconnect boiler from m ain power supply for few
seconds and repeat procedure.
When funct ion is enabled,
t he display.
Aft er ignit ion sequence, which can also t ake place
aft er few at t em pt s, boiler perform s t hree operat ions.
Each operat ion last s about 1 m inut e:
• m axim um power
• ignit ion power
• m inim um power
Before m oving t o t he next com bust ion point t he
appear on t he display as t he cont rol is set t ing
During t his phase, power level reached by boiler and
delivery t em perat ure alt ernat e on t he display.
aut om at ic calibrat ion funct ion has com plet ed.
t o exit t he funct ion. Display will show
Verify combustion is within specified range. If not,
perform Aut om at ic and t hen Manual Calibrat ion.
( See Sect ions 9.8 & 9.9)
I M PORTAN T: I f Calibrat ion funct ion does not
com plet e, verify unit did not shut down for over-
t em perat ure. Repeat Aut om at ic Calibrat ion.
will flash on
flash together on the display,
240013503 REV A, [ 03/ 15/ 2022]
wit hin


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