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Delta DX-3021L9 Series User Manual page 63

Industrial 4g / wan cloud router


D X-3 021 Se ri es Ind ustr ia l 4G C lo ud Ro u ter
Network Services
Select the common network services. Refer to the following common service
list for optional values.
Service Name
Set up the service name for port forwarding. The name is composed of letters,
numbers and underline, starting with a letter or number. The maximum string
length is 32 bytes.
Set up the protocol type for port forwarding.
Public Port
Set up the public port for port forwarding. The port range is 1~65534. A Public
port should be less than or equal to the server port.
Server Port
Set up the server port for port forwarding. The port range is 1~65534. A server
port should be greater than or equal to the public port.
When the public port is set to a Single Port, the server port can only be set to a
Single Port. When the public port is set to a Port Range, the server port can be
set to a Single Port or a Port Range. And when the public port is set to a single
port, all the port will be forwarded to ONE single port.
Examples of different port forwarding settings:
3 - 2 4
Single Port
Single Port

