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Delta DX-3021L9 Series User Manual page 132

Industrial 4g / wan cloud router


D X-2 100 Se ri es Ind ustr ia l 3G C lo ud Ro u ter
router which is connected to your remote device on the search bar and then log in.
Go to the System setup page, select the setup option RS232 or RS485 and input the required
information to set up. Make sure the parameters are consistent with your remote device.
Go back to the DIACom and click
the virtual serial-port number will show up on the same page. Users can use it to configure
and monitor the connected device remotely. Click "Delete" to delete the virtual serial-port.
Open the WPLSoft to check if the COM parameters are consistent with the settings on your
router. When these parameters are consistent, you can use the WPLSoft to configure/monitor
your device remotely.
4 - 1 2
IP address in the DIACom device list
Working Mode:Transparent mode
Parameters of COM (Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity Bits, Flow Control)
If the PLC is Siemens S7-200, you can select the "PPI" in the DIACom to support PPI
or open a browser and input the IP address of the
to create a virtual tunnel. Once the creation is done,

