E-Mu ProteusX Operation Manual page 67

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To Realtime Crossfade Two Voices:
In order to realtime crossfade voices, they must first be assigned to the same key
range. In the Key Window, set the high and low key range of the voices so that they
completely overlap.
Set up the Voices
Select the Realtime Window button shown above. By default both voices will be
assigned to the full 0-127 range.
Set the Fade parameter for each voice so that as one voice faces out the other fades
in. Voice 1 will be at full volume until the realtime controller reaches a value of 16.
It will then begin fading out. Voice 2 will begin fading in immediately and be at full
volume from 100 to 127.
Assign the Realtime Controller
Select one of the voices you want to crossfade by clicking anywhere on the strip.
A red box forms around the voice to show that it's selected.
Now hold the Crtl key and select the next voice you wish to crossfade by clicking on
it. Both voices should be surrounded by red boxes.
With both voices selected, select Open Voices (Crtl+Enter) from the Preset menu.
The Voice Editor screen appears. Verify that the two voices are selected in the "Voice
Selector" section of the window.
Assign a realtime controller to control the crossfade. Select Amp Crossfade as the
destination. Select a modulation source that goes from 0-127 such as Aux
Envelope+, LFO+ or MIDI A-P. Set the Cord Amount to +127.
You should now be hearing the realtime crossfade when you play a key. You may
have to go back to the Realtime Crossfade page to adjust and fine tune the crossfade
points. These settings will vary with the sounds that are being crossfaded.
To Randomly Cross-switch or Crossfade Between Voices:
In certain situations, such as setting up drum kits, you may want to randomly switch
between several voices. Crossfade Random is a modulation source specifically designed
to handle this situation. Unlike the other random sources, Crossfade Random generates
one random number for all voices that are assigned to the same key.
In order to realtime crossfade or cross-switch voices, they must first be assigned to
the same key range. In the Key Window, set the high and low key range of the voices
so that they completely overlap.
Set up the Voices
Select the Realtime Window button.
Set up a basic cross-switch in the Realtime Window as shown below. For this
example, we'll use two voices. This will cause voice 1 to sound whenever the random
value is in the range of 0-63 and voice 2 to sound whenever the random value is in
the range of 64-127.
E-MU Systems
5 - Preset Editor
Key Window Page
Warning: Make sure
you understand how to
select Voices and assign
Cords before attempting
to perform realtime


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