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Adding Media & Installation Instructions - Clean Water Systems Fleck 9100 Installation & Start?Up Manual


Adding Media & Installation Instructions
1. Unscrew by hand the Fleck 9100 control valve from top of the tanks if it was shipped screwed on.
Place distributor tubes in tank if not already inside tanks. If not already done, make sure blue cap is
on top of distributor tubes, or wrap the top of distributor tubes with electrical or duct tape. The idea
is we do not want gravel or resin to go down the distributor tube when you are adding media.
2. If your system came with filter gravel, add it first using the funnel sent with the water softener.
Divide gravel equally between tanks. No gravel is needed unless tank is 1354 or larger.
Plug or tape top of distributor tube to
prevent media from entering. Remove
cap/tape when finished
3. Next add softener resin media. Tank will be approximately 2/3 to 3/4 full. Divide resin provide equally
between tanks.
4. Remove cap or tape from top of distributor tube. Be careful not to pull up distributor tube when
removing cap or tape.
5. Attach plastic top screen to the under-side of the Fleck 9100 control valve. It is a funnel-shaped
plastic screen that snaps on to the control valve and prevents resin from being backwashed out to
drain during the regeneration cycles.
6. If possible, at this point, fill tank completely with water. This will allow the softener resin to settle
and eliminate the need of "purging" the air out of the tank later.
Page 6
Fleck 9100 Softener Installation & Startup Guide
Rev 10212020

