Cmorgan; Cmplay - PC Chips CMI8330 English Manual

Table of Contents


Media Rack
System Mixer
Save voice (memory) to disk: Saves memory contents to .VOC type file.
Use arrow key to highlight and press Enter to activate. You will be prompted to
enter file name to save. Key in the file name with .VOC extension. VOC is the
standard file type used by CMUTIL. The file will be saved in the directory
where you start CMUTIL.
Exit to DOS: Quit CMUTIL and return to DOS environment. Use arrow key
to highlight on EXIT. Press Enter to activate or press ESC key to quit. You
will be asked to confirm that you want to exit. Type " Y " to exit.


This program lets you play PC keyboard like an electronic organ. There are
128 tones can be changed by pressing F1. Press F2 can play MIDI file


CMPLAY.EXE lets you play voice file at DOS prompt. Voice is played in a
background process. You may specify optionally a foreground process
running at the same time voice is playing. To run CMPLAY, at DOS prompt,
type in
cmplay [-Bxx] [-H] [-E"execute-command"] filename [Enter]
example: CMPLAY -b16 -h -e "DIR" DEMO.VOC
Note: Items in [ ] are optional. Default values are assigned if they are not
-H sets quiet mode. When specified, no message is displayed during playing.
Default is not quiet mode.
-xx is a buffer size in aggregate of 2K bytes. It must fall between 1 and 31.
Default value is 16, i.e., 32 K bytes. The bigger buffer, the fewer accesses to
disk are necessary during playing.
-E"execute-command" is the DOS command to be executed in foreground
process. Default is no foreground process.
-filename is the name of the file to play. It must be a voice file in .VOC format.
To stop playing before it ends, press Esc key.
Section 3- Utilities Software


Table of Contents

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