PC Chips CMI8330 English Manual page 21

Table of Contents


Media Rack
System Mixer
Play voice from memory: Play Working Memory contents.
Use arrow key to highlight and press Enter to activate. This command is not
executable if Working Memory is not filled. You can hear the sound that is
stored in Working Memory in digitized form. Press Esc to stop playing.
Record voice to disk: Sample voice from microphone to disk file.
Use arrow key to highlight and press Enter to activate. You will be asked to
specify the file name with .VOC extension to record. Program will save it to
the current directory.
Record voice to memory: Sample voice from microphone to working memory
Use arrow key to highlight and press Enter to activate. Time duration of the
recording depends on sampling rate that you use. The higher the sampling rate,
the shorter the duration. A pop up menu will tell you the duration in seconds
that you have at current sampling rate. Press Esc to quit recording or any other
key to begin recording. Press Esc to stop recording when you have done recording.
Note that Working Memory contents will be lost if you record TO MEMORY,
so SAVE the last file before you record TO MEMORY.
Data packing (memory): compress working memory data.
Use arrow key to highlight and press Enter to activate. The pop menu let you
select 4 bit, 2.6 bit, 2 bit or silence method. This function only activate to
working memory, so after compressed you have to Save voice to disk .
Load voice file to memory: Loads voice file (.VOC type) into memory.
Use arrow key to highlight and press Enter to activate. A pop up menu
appears : At the top, Drive:\Path is shown indicating the current directory for
loading files. In the menu, files with .VOC type in the current directory is
listed. Sub directory under default directory are listed too. Directories are
enclosed in [ ]. [ .. ] is the parent directory. Select it to move up one level from
current directory. If the current directory is a root directory, all logical drives
are listed .
Drivers are enclosed in < >. Use arrow keys to highlight on the file you want to
load or driver or directory you want to move to. Press Enter to load it or move. The
file name will appear on Working File window after successful loading.
Section 3- Utilities Software


Table of Contents

Table of Contents