Table of Contents



K-Station 1

Based on the JIDA32 interface users can implement advanced board functionality in their application. As an example
utility Kontron provides K-Station for most 32bit Windows Operating Systems. K-Station 1 is a summary of command line
utilities (Shell Tools) for easy access to JIDA32 BIOS implementations. Second part of K-Station is a JAVA based example
GUI which gives a view an all available features using the Shell Tools.
Following K-Station Shell Tools are available:
» KSystemSummary.exe (System Information)
» KGenInfo.exe (Module Information)
» KCPUPerf.exe (CPU Throttling control)
» KHWMon.exe (Hardware Monitoring)
» KI2CBus.exe (I2C and SMBus access)
» KIOPort.exe (GPIO control)
» KStorage.exe (JIDA EEPROM access to user bytes)
» KVGATool.exe (LVDS Backlight control)
» KWDog.exe (Watchdog control)
» KAMIMod.exe (AMICore8 BIOS Modification with Bootlogo or Usercode ...)
» KFlash.exe (AMICore8 BIOS Update)
The full K-Station package, the stand-alone Shell Tools with drivers, example batch files and documentation is available
EMD Customer Section
for free.
COMe-mSP1 / Features and Interfaces


Table of Contents

Table of Contents