ABB CP420B Installation And Operation Manual page 20

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Also make sure that communication parameters are correctly configured. Select
File/Upload Application in CP400Soft and the Save As dialog box will appear
on the screen. Enter the name of a firmware file (*.AF6) to save. Click Save.
Then the operator terminal will prompt for a password: enter the password set
in CP400Soft from Application/Workstation Setup. Once the correct password
is entered, the operator terminal starts to upload the application to the PC. For
information about setting a password, please see section
While the operator terminal is uploading, the following is displayed:
After uploading, select File/Reconstruct Source in CP400Soft to display the
Open dialog. Open the uploaded application file (*.C64 or *.AA6). The appli-
cation screen will be displayed on the PC monitor. Finally, select File/Save As to
save the application as a *.V6F file. Thus a source file can serve the purposes of
maintenance and modification.
When uploading for the first time, make sure to first run the application once, or
else the upload function will not work.
ABB, 1SBC159102M0202


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