Module Description; Status Light Indicators; Programming The Communicator And The Panel Using The Garner Programmer App; Activation Of Telephones Or Terminals - Garnet PC-900G Installer Manual

Alarm panel
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7.2 Module description:

Communication formats:
The WiFi communicator is designed to send alarm signals to monitoring stations
receiving events under DC1 and SDC2 communication protocols.
Panel control methods:
The WiFi communicator allows the panel control through two methods, one of them is
through the use of the Garnet Control App.

7.3 Status light indicators

The embedded WiFi communicator includes a variety of leds that indicate the
different status of the communicator.
There are leds that indicate WiFi network signal strength, the results of reports to the
server and the monitoring stations.
Explanation of light indicators:
WiFi Antenna
Signal 1-5
No Signal
There are two groups of leds, those that indicate the strength of the WiFi network
connection and those that indicate the results of WiFi communications.
WiFi signal Led indicators
These leds indicate if the communicator is connected or not to a network.
If the communicator is connected to a WiFi network, the blue Led that represents the
WiFi Antenna will indicate the signal strength by blinking as many times as the signal
The number of flashes represents the signal level, being 1 flash for a very low signal
level and 5 flashes to indicate the maximum signal level.
If the communicator is not connected to a WiFi network, the red Led "No Signal" will
be on indicating that the communicator is not connected to a WiFi network.
Communication Led indicators
The communicator is prepared to communicate through a WiFi connection.
In all cases, in the event of a communication or any kind of report, the result will be
indicated through the leds that represent communications.
In the event of a report to the monitoring station or in residential format, the result
will be represented through two leds, one indicating successful report (ACK) or the
other indicating communication failure (NAK).
If the communicator reports supervision to the monitoring station or to the server,
both leds will turn on simultaneously.
7.4 Programación del Comunicador y Panel desde la app Garnet Programmer
El comunicador se programa a través de la app "Garnet Programmer".
Esta app además permite programar los paneles de alarmas Garnet.
Para descargar la app de programación escanee los siguientes códigos QR según
corresponda o bien busque en la tienda de descargas la aplicación Garnet
WiFi Communic
iOs (iPhone)
Follow the steps below:
1) Press the "AP ENABLE" button on the board.
This will cause the communicator to generate a WiFi network during 5 a minute
2) Search for available WiFi networks in your phone and connect to the WiFi network
named "PC-900xxxxxx". The numbers XXXXXX are the last 6 digits of
the communicator mac.
3) Enter the default network password: admin1234.
4) Once the communicator enters the programming mode, the leds will behave as
WiFi Antenna
Signal 1-5
No Signal
In case this result is not obtained, repeat the steps above. The cell phone shall be in
"Flight" mode when connecting to the module WiFi network.
5) Once ready, open the Garnet Programmer app and follow the instructions you wish
to program.
NOTE: During communicator programming inside the "status" display, you shall take
note of the System Number since it will be used in the next step.

7.5 Activation of telephones or terminals

To activate telephones you shall first make sure that the communicator has been
previously configured and has a successful WiFi or mobile data Internet connection.
From you phone store download the User "Garnet Control" app.
Once the app is downloaded, you shall register with your personal data.
Once inside the app, press the button "+" to add a new system, enter the System
Number obtained in the previous step, enter a name to identify the alarm system
being installed and, finally, enter an icon.
Then you shall initiate the connection with your phone from the communicator.
Press 3 times the button "AP ENABLED" or, if you have an LCD keypad, press [
8 + 7.
The confirmation of successful activation will be indicated with the blink of the 4
upper leds that indicate antennas and communications. Following press the button
"Verify" on your cell phone.
Your app will be ready to be used in a few seconds.
NOTE: The Garnet Control app allows the addition of up to 20 users.
The main user will be the "Administrator". The Administrator may invite the remaining
19 users of the system in two different user categories:
• Main User:
This user may be defined by the administrator in terms of the functions and permits
held regarding the alarm panel.
For example: You can have a user as Relative with access to all the functions related
to remote control and event reception. But at the same time you can have a main
user who shall only enable the option of event reception to such user.
• Second User: This user does not allow the modification of attributes. Only such user
can view system cameras.
To invite users you shall go to the community tag.
WiFi Communic
iOs (iPhone)
] +


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