Safety Instructions; Before Use - Raider RD-AH01 User Manual

Air hammer
Table of Contents




In operation of the machine Always follow these instructions, and attached Included with the tool
"General rules on work safety."
In this guide using the following symbols:
WARNING! Risk of injury or damage to the instrument.
WARNING! Before starting work with the tool read the instructions.
WARNING! Use protective eyewear, hearing protection, apron, boots.
Hazards associated with the moving parts of machinery:
Hold the tool correctly, all caught with his hand.
When work does not touch the chisel and chuck.
Watch parts of the garment, hair or hanging ornaments not be caught in machinery.
● Use the original accessories of the "Raider"
● Ppi montipane upotpeba and can be obtained do not apply ppoizvedeni of "Raider", sledvayte
instpuktsiite of instructions of the manufacturer concerned
● Do not use damaged, deformed Accessories
● Protect accessories from impact, shock and grease


● Before using the machine for the first time, it is recommended it is recommended to receive
practical information
Carefully read the instruction manual before starting work.
Check with your technician if you do not know how to set the machine to work.
Do not let people come near to the workplace.
For installation or setup, always unplug the appliance.
Do not operate the machine with the lid removed.
● Work always with dry gloves.
● vibrating parts pabotnite ppi uslovie, che guarateed Do not be stable.
● When grinding Wear protective goggles and gloves, earplugs, ppaxova mask and sturdy shoes;
when necessary, also wear an apron
Smoke caused at work is dangerous!
Work in ventilated areas and use protective mask for the mouth.
● Do not work in premises which have recently been treated with paint, varnish, etc..
At work may get sparks.
Do not operate near flammable substances.
Prepare a fire extinguisher in the vicinity of the work.
● Always keep the hose away from moving parts direct the cord back, away from the machine.


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