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Mountain Models Panic Manual page 3

Foam 3d flyer


General Building Tips
Use only foam safe glue to attach the foam sections. Regular CA will dissolve the
Don't remove any pieces from the balsa sheets until they're ready to be used. That
way, parts won't get mixed up or disappear.
After you remove pieces from the balsa sheets, carefully remove any of the extra
material from where the piece was attached.
Don't over force your pieces together. If they aren't going together properly, make
sure you have the right pieces and that they are oriented correctly.
If you want to remove the charred edges caused by the laser cutting process,
dampen a cloth with bleach and gently rub the affected areas. Removing the char
will not increase the strength but will make it look better.
Assembly Instructions
Okay, so now you are ready to actually build the Panic. If you follow these simple
instructions, we can have you flying in no time!
The Entire Process A to Z
Well, I suppose if you want to get technical, it is W to E (wings to electronics), but that
wouldn't make much sense... Hmm, maybe a compass reference would have made more
sense...ah well.
Step 1: Assemble the wings.
Step 2: Assemble the fuselage.
Step 3: Assemble and install the horizontal stabilizer, rudder, and elevator.
Step 4: Install the elevator and rudder servos.
Step 5: Install the wing.
Step 6: Install the motor.
Step 7: Install the receiver and speed controller.
Step 8: Finish the kit.
Final Step: On a calm day, find a field without too many trees or light poles and go fly.
Step 1: Assemble the Wing
The first thing you are going to assemble is the wing of your airplane. This involves
assembling the wing halves, attaching the spar strips, and then applying the packing tape.
Do not let non-foam safe CA touch the foam. Regular CA will dissolve the foam.
1. Glue the wing halves together with 5 minute epoxy. You can hold them together
with tape while the glue sets. Be sure that the two halves line up correctly and that
you haven't induced any bowing at the joint.
Mountain Models Panic

