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H-KING Wargo Signature Edge 540T 3D Instruction Manual page 3


My Opinions on this airframe
The plane itself is a fantastic overall performer. On 4s it is very agile and athletic. If you like
high energy and tumbling, it is the best setup. I fly it mostly on 3S, the lighter setup is a bit
better suited for low and slow 3D. The plane is surprisingly solid with no wing rock in a
harrier and loves most 3D maneuvers. The ailerons are super fast and may need to be toned
down for rolling harriers and the like. Also, the rudder and elevator are also very effective so
be careful to add enough expo and set your rates properly. It has a short moment, so it
tumbles like crazy and the rudder is really sensitive.
It is easy to land and easy to harrier both inverted and upright. You will love this aircraft even
if you are just learning 3D or aerobatics. It flies very straight lines, and if you set a really
good conservative low or precision rate, you will be able to perform any IMAC-type maneuver
and look great doing it. Knife edge flight is also very precise with this model. Overall, I am
thrilled with its performance in every style of aerobatics making it a perfect all around aircraft.
It is relatively small, but it is a benefit as well because it is easily transported. I hope you
enjoy flying it as much as I do.
Michael Wargo

