Output Set Up; Reset Option; Set Up Tidemaster Using Tidemaster Express - Valeport TideMaster Operating Manual

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6.2.4 Output Set Up

Output setting can be configured within this menu. Data format is set to TideMaster NMEA as standard. All
files will be internally logged in the same format regardless of the chosen real time output format.
If Bluetooth is not required then it should be disabled in this power. Pair with Device is used to authorise
Bluetooth communications with a PC. See section 5 for further details.
Telemetry ID allows a station ID from 1-10 to be set and a transmit delay to be configured for radio telemetry.
Data Format
TideMaster NMEA
Valeport 740
Tide 710
Met 710
LED 710
RS232 Setup
Bluetooth Setup
Enable Bluetooth
Disable Bluetooth
Pair with Device (Code = 0)
Telemetry Setup
Set Station ID
Set Delay

6.2.5 Reset option

The reset option is used for a soft reset of the TideMaster. This should be used when uploading a new
firmware. Contact Valeport support for detail of how this is carried out.

6.3 Set Up TideMaster Using TideMaster Express

The About button displays the current version number of the software. Valeport support staff may ask you
for this number if you have a technical problem.
Exit closes down the TideMaster Express program.
© 2021 – Valeport Ltd
TideMaster - Operating Manual: MANUAL-1094978189-1 | issue: 1.1
When you click "Comms Wizard", on the menu
bar, this screen will appear:
There are 3 buttons available, the function of
each is described on screen and below.
The Communicate button allows you to talk to the
instrument for the purposes of setting it up or
extracting recorded data files to PC.
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