Piston Inspection - Lycoming YO-233-B2A Maintenance Manual

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YO-233-B2A Engine Maintenance Manual
TEO-540-A1A Engine Maintenance Manual

11. Piston Inspection

A. Copy and complete the Piston Inspection Checklist for YO-233-B2A Engine Models.
Piston Inspection Checklist for YO-233-B2A Engine Models
Engine Serial Number:________________________ Engine Hours: _____________________
Inspection Date:________________________Inspected by:_____________________________
Inspection Item
Before cleaning the piston examine the following
areas on the piston for pitting, cavities and surface
distortion (which can be an indication of detonation
or pre-ignition):
• Top of the piston
• Piston ring lands and grooves
• Piston pin holes
• Piston pin whole bosses
• Look for deposits or damage
• Complete the "Piston Cleaning" procedure in
Chapter 05-30.
NOTICE: Surface distortion can be an indication
of detonation or pre-ignition.
After Cleaning:
• Look for cracks on the piston head or skirt.
Replace the piston if a crack is found.
• Look for bent or broken lands. Replace the
piston if the land is broken or bent.
• Look for scoring on the piston skirt, damage or
discoloration from burns. Replace the piston if
scoring, damage or discoloration found. Identify
and correct the cause.
• Examine the piston grooves for wear. Replace
the piston if high ridges are on the lower lands.*
* High ridges of displaced metal can interfere with operation of new piston rings. The displaced metal
can cause excessive piston ring clearance in the valleys.
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February 2021
Findings/Corrective Action
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4
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