Table of Contents


Click Management
New:Add new USER NAME and
Edit: Edit user name and password already built.
Delete:Delete user name and password already
Permission: functions on this XPOSE 2.0 on this
computer that the users are allowed to operate.
Click the green block to remove the function not to
be permitted.

Slave Unit

Click Slave Unit
Slave Unit is to control multiple devices simultaneously,
which are connected to same network. ("In the same
network" means the the the third section in the IP address
digits are the same ) XPOSE do operation on one device,
same operation synchronized to other devices. For example,
there is another devices linked to the same network, one
with IP IP192.168.0.45
If users need to back up operation from current running
device to this device slave unit shall be used. First fill in the
quantity of to be linked devices, click Set Numbers,
Index, Device IP and State will come up.
Choose the IP address of the other device from drop down
list, e.g IP192.168.0.45 and
Slide to ON, the red dot behind turns to green indicating
that the device has been connected
© Xiamen RGBlink Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents