6.0 Email Notification
Email Notification automatically sends an email notification when a Subscriber Mailbox receives a new
message. The email can optionally include the recorded message as a wav file attachment. To hear the
message, the email recipient double-clicks the wav attachment to have the message play in their wav
player (such as Windows Media Player).
This feature requires the SV8100 be at v3.00 or higher software. The SV8100 must also be
licensed for the Email Notification feature (1013) and have the appropriate number of Email client
licenses (1014).
This feature also requires that the SV8100 have access to the Internet if an Internet email service is to be
used. The following example shows the programming for a Gmail (Google) account. Gmail will allow
SMTP relay for an account but you must set SMTP forwarding for that account. For detailed information
on enabling a Gmail account for this feature refer to gmail.google.com.
6.1 Setting Up the System Network Options
Set the SV8100 IP Address
Set the SV8100 Subnet Mask
Set the SV8100 Default Gateway
If using the VoIP LAN port for Internet Access set the SV8100 IP Address here instead of
If using the VoIP LAN port for Internet Access set the SV8100 Subnet Mask here instead
of 10-12-05.
Set first DNS Server IP Address.
Set second DNS Server IP Address.
Note: The system must have at least the Primary DNS server IP Address in order to resolve the email server
SV8100 VM8000 InMail Programming Guide
Rev 8