Edge Sensor With One - 2-Conductor Lead - Resistor - Tapeswitch Safety Edge TS-26 Installation Manual

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Release 08/2020 Ver. 1.0
10.2 Edge sensor with a Single 4-Conductor Lead
Using a digital multimeter, verify for the following conductor/edge actuation combinations, that the point-
to-point resistance measurements are within stated limits:
Pairs to Test
Black and Yellow
Red and White
Red and Black
Red and Black
Yellow and White
Yellow and White
Continuity table for edge sensors with single 4-conuctor lead characteristics - Figure 26
Any measurement beyond the limits specified under "Proper Measured Result" indicates that the
edge is defective. If this is an unmodified edge, please Contact Tapeswitch for assistance.

10.3 Edge sensor with one - 2-Conductor Lead - Resistor

Test continuity in accordance with the table below. Measure between the wires in each pair and
confirm the proper result. Note that the lead pairs may be black and white or ribbed and smooth,
depending on the model and/or customer requirement.
Black to White
Ribbed to Smooth
Black and White
Ribbed and Smooth
Continuity table for edge sensors with single 2-conuctor lead with EOL characteristics - Figure 27
100 Schmitt Boulevard
Farmingdale, New York, 11753
Installation Manual: Safety Edge
Edge State
Not actuated
Not actuated
Not actuated
Not actuated
Not actuated
© 2020 Tapeswitch Corporation. All Rights Reserved
Proper Measured Result
Less than 5 ohms
Less than 5 ohms
Open circuit
Less than 5 ohms
Open circuit
Less than 5 ohms
5.4K min. to 9.5K max
Less than 5 ohms


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