Preliminary Checks For Installation - Nice ALTO100C Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Gate automation
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9 - Product durability. The lifetime is the average economic duration of
sity of the manoeuvres, i.e. the sum of all factors that contribute to
product wear; these values are shown in Table 1 and we therefore
recommend making an estimate of the automation lifetime after com-
missioning, using the following calculation:
01. In Table 1, locate the values "Leaf length" and "Leaf weight" of
your gate and note the corresponding "Severity index", taking care to
check the length of the arm on which the gearmotor is installed. In the
manoeuvre, locate the relative values in Table 1 and add them to the
sum obtained beforehand.
Example: • "Leaf length" = 1,5 m; "leaf weight" = 92 kg; "arm length"
= standard; therefore, severity index = 55%.
therefore, severity index = 15%
"arm length" = standard; therefore, severity index = 15%. • TOTAL
INDEX: 55% + 15% + 15% = 85%.
02. In Graph 2, note the total value of severity obtained (in the exam-
ple = 85%) and trace a vertical line from this point, until it intersects
the curve in the graph. Then, from the point of intersection, trace
obtained (number of manoeuvre cycles) represents the estimated
durability of the product.
Example: total severity index = 85%. In Graph 1, this corresponds to
approximately 51,000 manoeuvre cycles (= product durability).
maintenance schedule is strictly observed (see paragraph 10.1). The
estimation of lifetime is made on the basis of design calculations and
the results of tests performed on prototypes. As it is only an estima-
tion, it does not represent any form of guarantee on the effective life-
time of the product.


3.3.1 - Ensure all equipment and materials for work are
Before starting work, ensure that you have all equipment and materials
required to complete the work. Ensure that all items are in good condition
and comply with local safety standards.
(see paragraph 3.2 - 9)
severity index (%)
1a - Leaf length
< 1,2 m
1,2 - 1,6 m
dity greater than 80%
3 - Solid leaf
TABLE 1 - Severity index
1b - Leaf weight
> 100 kg
< 100 kg
> 80 kg
< 80 kg
3.3.2 - Establish the position of devices in the system
To establish the installation position of each device envisaged in the sys-
tem, refer to
This illustrates a system set up using the components
supplied in the kit as well as other optional devices and accessories. The
a - Electromechanical gearmotor with control unit ALTO100C
b - Electromechanical gearmotor without control unit ALTO100M
c - Pair of photocells PH200 (wall-mounted)
d - Flashing light FL200
e - Opening travel limit stops
f - Closing travel limit stop
When selecting the position of each device, take special care to observe
the following:
• Gearmotors – the gearmotor with control unit must be positioned on
• PH200 photocells – the two photocells (TX and RX) must be posi-
tioned: a) at a height of 40-60 cm from the ground; b) to the sides of the
c) outside the gate, i.e. on the side of the public
road; d) trim with the gate (max. 15 cm from the latter); e) the TX photo-
cell (transmitting) must be directed at the RX photocell (receiving), with a
maximum tolerance of 5°.
– this must be positioned in the vicinity of the
gate; it must also be easily visible from any point of access to the gate.
of the automation, far from all moving parts at a minimum height of 1.5
m from the ground; they must also not be accessible by unauthorised
3.3.3 - Setting the route of the connection cables
To establish the route of each connection cable and thus dig the race-
ways for the cable ducting, the following constraints must be taken into
a) points envisaged for device installation (read paragraph 3.3.2);
b) the envisaged connection between all devices and terminals
involved (see
c) "ECSBus" technology. This technology enables the connection and
communication between several devices (including the control unit by
means of the BUS terminal) with a single cable containing 2 electrical
wires (carrying the electric power and data communication signals).
This cable can only be used to connect Nice Home devices compatible
with the ECSBus protocol: for example the photocells, safety devices,
control buttons, indicator lights etc. (for information on compatible
devices, refer to the Nice Home catalogue or visit the website www. "ECSBus" technology offers the possibility of using
different layouts for device connections. Some examples are shown in
After considering points a, b, c, observe
layout will serve as a guideline to dig the raceways for the cable ducting
and to make a complete list of the cables required.
3.3.4 - Selecting and sizing all connection cables
To select the type of cables and cut these to an adequate length, consult
Table 2; then, with the aid of the previously drawn layout (ref. paragraph
3.3.3), make on-site measurements to establish the length of each cable.
Table 2.
Power cable – The power cable on the ALTO100C gearmotor serves to
make provisional connections to the mains (for example, to perform pro-
gramming and the operation tests). Then, to test and start-up the auto-
(see paragraph 3.2-9)
Severity index
STANDARD arm length
– these must be positioned in view
and on a piece of paper
SHORT arm length
English –


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