Cleaning Program; Vacation Program - emmeti N CTA W Manual

Wireless weekly chronostat
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The chronostat can be configured for temperature regulation by
switching On and Off a pellet stove. The receiver's output will have
to be connected to the On/Off input of the pellet stove. In order to
reduce the number of switching On and Off cycles of the stove,
configure the parameters:
- HYSt: Room temperature regulation hysteresis to 1.0 °C
- tMIn: Minimum output ON time to 30 minutes
In a system made by one chronostat and some more plain thermostats
one in each room, it is possible to make the thermostats regulate
according the time schedule programmed in the chronostat.
This can be achieved using a multi-channel receiver and associating
the outputs driven by the themostats to the output driven by the
chronostat. In this way a chronostat and the thermostats associated
with it will form a 'zone'. For example, in a home, it would be possible
to create the 'living zone' and the 'bedroom zone', with temperature
regulation in each room according to different time schedules
programmed on two different chronostats. See the receiver's
documentation for instruction how to associate outputs. In the
receiver, associated channels will receive from the chronostat the
time slot information and therefore the information of which setpoint
temperature, comfort or economy, to use for the regulation. Also the
off or antifreeze states are received by the associated thermostats.
If the chronostat is regulating a comfort temperature, the associated
thermostats will regulate according to their setpoint knob temperature,
instead if the chronostat is regulating an economy temperature,
the associated thermostats will regulate according to a reduction
temperature which can be adjusted in the receiver. Likewise if the
chronostat is off with 5°C antifreeze function, also the associated
thermostats will regulate a 5°C antifreeze temperature.


This program is particularly useful during cleaning when windows are
open and it is pointless either to heat or air condition rooms. In such
cases the output will remain Off for a two hours period. To activate
the program press the ' ' button: on the display the ' ' icon will light
up and in place of the clock, the time remaining until the resumption
of normal operation will be displayed.
The device will go back to the previous operating mode after two
hours or if you press the ' ' button again.


If you intend to be away for a relatively long period it is advisable
to activate the Vacation Program, which will suspend the active
operating mode for the desired number of hours (from 1 to 95) or
days (from 1 to 99).
At the end of the set number of hours or days, the chronostat will
go back into the operating mode it was in prior to activation of the
Vacation Program. While it is off, the Antifreeze function will still be
active and the '
' symbol will be shown on the display, along with
the countdown of the time remaining until the end of the program.
Note: Access to the vacation program will NOT be enabled while the

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