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Safety Message - Foley United 6181SRI Operator's Manual

Auto - index spin / relief reel mower grinder


This manual will cover the installation and operation of this Reel Mower Grinder, there is an additional
manual that addresses the service of this equipment. As manufacturers of reel grinders, we want to
confirm to you, our customers, our concern for safety. We also want to remind you about the simple,
basic, and common sense rules of safety when using a reel grinder. Failure to follow these rules can result
in severe injury or death to operators or bystanders.
It is essential that everyone involved in the assembly, operation, transport, maintenance, and storage
of this equipment be aware, concerned, prudent, and properly trained in safety. Always use proper
shielding and person protective equipment as specified by the manufacturer.
Our current production machines include, as standard equipment, guards or shields for the grinding
wheel, safety signs and operators and service manuals. Never bypass or operate the machine with any of
the guards or safety device removed or without the proper personal safety equipment.
Read and fully understand all the safety practices discussed in this manual. All safety rules must be
understood and followed by anyone who works with reel grinders.
Before operating a reel grinder, an operator must read and understand all of the information in the
operators manual and understand all the safety signs attached to the product. A person who has not
read or understood the operators manual and safety signs is not qualified to operate the unit. Accidents
occur often on machines that are used by someone who has not read the operators manual and is not
familiar with the equipment. If you do not have an operators manual or current production safety signs,
contact the manufacturer or your dealer immediately.
Reel grinders are designed for one-man operation. Never operate the grinder with anyone near, or in
contact with, any part of the grinder. Be sure no one else, including bystanders, are near you when you
operate this product.
Following these simple, basic safety rules, as well as others:
Find and understand all safety signs in the operators manual and on the equipmen. This will help
minimize the possibility of accidents and increase your productivity in using this product. Be careful and
make sure that everyone who operates the grinder knows and understands that it is a very powerful
piece of machinery, and if used improperly, serious injury or death may result. The final responsibility for
safety rests with the operator of this machine.
This symbol is used throughout this manaul to call attention to the safety
The word DANGER indicates an immediate hazardous situation, which if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
The word WARNING indicates a potential hazardous situation, which if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
The word CAUTION preceeded with a safety alert symbol indicates a potential hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

