Maintenance; Basic Maintenance; Accessories; Figure 65: Printer Statistics - Peleman Flat Bed Foil Printer User Manual

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Flat Bed Foil Printer User Guide


6.1 Basic maintenance

Every machine needs maintenance to perform at its best over a long period of time, please
note the following recommendations and keep an eye on the components discussed
To review statistics, please go to Tools -> Service Menu -> Refresh the Printer Statistics. You
will then see a window (as shown below). The figures should help you plan for maintenance.
In general, it is advised to inspect the printer after every 10.000 to 25.000 printing sessions, 1-
2 times per year.


The condition and presence of accessories must be checked on a weekly basis. At least, a
general review should be undertaken after every 10.000 to 25.000 printing sessions. 1-2
times per year.
a. We recommend to replace paper rings when they are broken.
b. Presence of acrylic plate and foam pad must be confirmed every time. It is advised
to replace these (especially the foam pad) at least 2 times a year.
Presence of cleaning wipes for printhead or isopropyl alcohol. Printhead must be
cleaned every week or during every foil change.
d. USB cable must be checked and replaced to the 'shielded' type when needed.
e. Power supply must be checked (and changed if bad connection is seen) at every

Figure 65: Printer Statistics

Peleman Industries


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