Classic Cuisinart ® Wheat Bread; Buttery Dinner Rolls - Cuisinart FP-12NC Series Instruction And Recipe Booklet

12-cup (2.8 l) elite collection 2.0 food processor
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The nutty flavour of whole wheat makes this bread a favourite .
makes 12 servings (one 9 x 5-inch (23 x 13 cm) loaf)
plus 2½ hours rising and resting, 35 minutes baking, and
TeasPoons (11 ml) acTIve
1 hour or longer cooling
dry yeasT
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in warm water in a large liquid
TablesPoon (15 ml) Plus
1 TeasPoon (5 ml)
measuring cup. Let sit until foamy, about 5 minutes.
GranulaTed suGar
Insert the dough blade into the large work bowl of the
¹⁄ ³
cuP (75 ml) warm waTer
(105° To 110°f (40° To
43°c) )
and process until combined, about 10 to 15 seconds. Add
cuPs (500 ml) un-
the cold water to the yeast mixture. With the machine
running, pour the liquid through the feed tube as fast as
all-PurPose flour
the flour absorbs it. Once the dough cleans the sides of
cuPs (500 ml) whole
the work bowl and forms a ball, process for 45 seconds to
wheaT flour
TablesPoons (60 ml)
knead dough. Dough should be smooth and elastic.
unsalTed buTTer, cuT
Place the dough in a lightly floured plastic food storage
InTo 1-Inch (2.5 cm)
bag and seal. Allow to rest in a warm place until doubled
TablesPoon (7 ml) salT
in size, about 1 to 1½ hours.
cuP (250 ml) cold waTer
Lightly coat a 9 x 5-inch (23 x 13 cm) loaf pan with nonstick
nonsTIck cookInG sPray
cooking spray. Place dough on a lightly floured surface
and punch down; let rest 5 to 10 minutes. Shape the
dough into a loaf. Place in prepared pan and cover lightly
with plastic wrap. Let rise until dough is just above the
tops of the pans, about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
Bake until the top is browned and loaf sounds hollow
when tapped, about 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from pan
and cool on wire rack.
Nutritional information per serving (1 slice):
Calories 135 (20% from fat)
sat. fat 2g
Approximate preparation time: 10 to 15 minutes,
Food Processor. Add the flours, butter and salt
carb. 23g
pro. 4g
chol. 8mg
sod. 244mg
calc. 30mg
Fresh from the oven, warm rolls make any dinner extra special .
cuP (175 ml) whole mIlk,
Plus 1 TablesPoon (15
ml) for brushInG
cuP (125 ml) unsalTed
buTTer, Plus 2 Table-
sPoons (30 ml) for
cuP (50 ml) GranulaTed
TeasPoon (5 ml) fIne sea
salT, or Table salT
TeasPoons (11 ml) acTIve
dry yeasT
cuP (50 ml) warm (105º
To 110ºf (40° To 43°c) )
cuPs (1.18 l) unbleached
bread flour
larGe eGG
fat 3g
fiber 3g


makes 16 rolls
Approximate preparation time: 20 to 25 minutes, plus
2½ hours rising, 40 minutes baking, and 10 to 15 minutes
In a microwave-safe container, scald the milk in the
microwave; stir in the butter, sugar and salt; reserve.
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Let stand 3 to 5
minutes, or until mixture is foamy. Put the flour into the
large work bowl of the Cuisinart
with the dough blade and process for 10 seconds. With
the machine running, slowly add the liquids through the
feed tube and process until a dough ball forms. Continue
processing 45 seconds to knead the dough. Shape it into
a smooth ball and place in a 1-gallon (3.8 L) sealable
plastic bag. Squeeze the air out and seal the bag. Let rise
in a warm place until it has doubled, about 45 to
60 minutes.
Preheat oven to 450°F (230°C). Lightly butter a 10-inch
(25 cm) round baking pan. Divide the dough into 16 equal
pieces, (about 2¼ ounces (65 g) each). Roll into smooth
rounds and arrange in the prepared pan. Cover with
plastic wrap and let rise until about doubled, about 30 to
40 minutes. Combine remaining tablespoon of milk and
butter and heat until the butter has melted. Just before
baking, gently brush the rolls with the butter/milk mixture.
Place in preheated oven and bake until golden brown,
about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool on
a rack for about 10 minutes for serving.
For a softer roll, brush each with melted butter just after
removing from oven.
Nutritional information per serving (1 roll):
Calories 209 (38% from fat)
carb. 28g
sat. fat 5g
chol. 34mg
sod. 160mg
Food Processor fitted
pro. 5g
fat 9g
calc. 23mg
fiber 1g


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