Menu Tree - Bindicator SonoTracker Ultrasonic Liquid Level Installation & Operation Manual

Can monitor up to a total of 8 transducers of various frequencies, accommodating multiple vessels of different heights and shapes.
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Figure 24: Transducer Menu Tree
Frequency has three submenus:
Target — under Target, the target frequency of the transducer set up for the current channel is displayed
and can be modified. For example, a 56T-25PT Transducer has a 'nominal' frequency of 43 KHz, but the
actual default frequency is 43.5 KHz. Small modifications of the target frequency can sometimes improve
the performance of the system.
Monitor — this parameter allows you to view the frequency that the transducer for the current channel is
actually transmitting and receiving. It usually does not exactly equal the Target value, but is very close.
Select — under Select, the transducer type for the current channel can be displayed and changed (you
may need to change it if you made an error during the Startup Procedure or have changed the
transducer). The model number of the transducer corresponds to the transducer type: Refer to the
model number of the transducer for the proper selection.
Power defines the amount of output transmission power the controller utilizes. The range is 0 to 100%. The
default value is variable depending on quick configuration settings.
Delay allows you to set up a transmission delay for the transducers. Delay is the amount of time between
transmit signals from the SonoTracker Series. Increasing Delay may be useful if you have a target (such as
a liquid) that causes a lot of bouncing of signals. Delaying the next transmit signal allows the noise from the
bouncing to dissipate before the next signal is transmitted.
Note: Delay is typically used only for a single-channel system.
TVG adjusts the SonoTracker Series ability to pick up return echoes. When material is close to the transducer,
the sound energy in the return echo is very high and the time for the return echo to reach the transducer is very
short. As the level in the vessel decreases, the sound energy decreases and the time for the return echo to reach
the transducer increases. Gain can be used to amplify the return echo, to allow a low energy echo (caused by
low material level) to be picked up. However, if the gain is left continuously at a high setting to provide accurate
tracking of low material levels, it will also result in amplification false echoes. This can also cause the transducer
SON280020 Rev. C


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