Api Command List Instructions - AMX DCE-1 Instruction Manual

Display control and edid manager
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API Command List Instructions

General Rules for Using BCS Commands
Command strings typically are not case-sensitive.
All command strings must end with the Take command "T" which tells the system to execute the command.
"O" is the letter O, not the number zero (0).
Entering "X" at any point in a command string cancels the command.
A command cannot be canceled after the "T" has been entered.
Command strings cannot be edited. If a mistake has been made, enter an "X" and then reenter the command.
To specify multiple outputs, inputs, levels, or local presets, enter a space " " between each number. Multiple
inputs are only valid in Disconnect commands.
To specify a range of outputs, inputs, or local presets, insert a colon ":" between the lowest and highest numbers of the
range (not supported if the command is otherwise invalid, e.g., cannot specify a range of inputs in a Change command; the
first input only would be routed).
Colons ":" and spaces " " can be used in the same command string.
If the level designation "L" is omitted, the command is executed on the default level, which is normally Level 0.
RS232 Default Setting
Baud Rate
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
Instruction Manual - Display Control and EDID Manager
9600 bps
8 bits
1 bit
API Command List Instructions


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