Copyright; Technical Status Of This Documentation - Paravan PR 50 User Manual

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This documentation and all its constituent sections are protected by copyright. The rights based on this co-
pyright, in particular those in relation to translation, reprinting, representation, extraction of illustrations and
tables, broadcast, microfilming or any other means of reproduction and saving in data processing systems,
even if only excerpts are used, are reserved. Any reproduction of this work or of any parts of this work is only
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public of Germany of 09 September 1965 in its version currently in force. It will always be liable for payment.
Any infringements will be subject to the penal clauses of that copyright law.
Copyright © PARAVAN GmbH 2017. All rights reserved!

Technical status of this documentation

All details on technical data and/or specifications, illustrations and information in this User's Manual corres-
pond to the status as on close of press in December 2016.
The User's Manual for the PR50 electric wheelchair was written in the German language and may be transla-
ted into other languages. In case of any inconsistencies, the German version shall be legally binding.
On this User's Manual


Table of Contents

Table of Contents