- Beware of inexpert handling!
- Never leave the hotplates on unused!
- Only use flatbottomed pots and pans, and make sure
that the diameter of the pan is never smaller than the
diameter of the hotplate it is being used on..
Ignition (Fig.1)
Turn on the switch upstream of the appliance.
Hot plates
Turn the knob corresponding to the hotplate you wish to
use, to a number between 1 and 6. The pilot lamp will light
up as soon as the appliance is on. We advise first turning
the hotplate up to maximum temperature. Once this has
been reached, turn the knob to the required heat To turn
any hotplate off, simply turn the knob back to "0".
6 to begin cooking max. 5/10 min;
5 for high temperature cooking;
4 for medium temperature cooking;
3 to continue cooking large quantities;
2 to continue cooking small quantities;
1 to keep food hot or melt butter;
0 hotplate off.
Pyroceram model use (Fig. 2)
Turn on the appliance using the switch at the top.
Single power plates:
Rotate the knob for the plate required in a clockwise direc-
tion, remembering that the thinner part of the "comet" cor-
responds to the minimum amount of power and the thicker
part corresponds to the maximum amount. The pilot lamp
will come on indicating that the heating element has been
turned on.
001 - 03 - Electric cookers
Position ● corresponds to the fixed "on" setting of the hea-
ting element.
Double power plates:
Turn the knob for the plate required in a clockwise direc-
tion, remembering that the thinner part of the "comet" cor-
responds to the minimum amount of power and the thicker
part corresponds to the maximum amount. In this way,
only the central part of the heating element will be turned
on (1200 w). By rotating the knob the whole way and retur-
ning it to the position required, the external part of the hea-
ting element will also be automatically switched on (2200
w). The pilot lamp will come on indicating that the heating
element has been turned on. In order to return to reduced
power mode, turn the plate off and then on again.
Oven (Fig. 3)
Turn knob (A) to the type of cooking required.
Turn thermostat (B) to the required temperature.
Pilot lamp (C) will light up, indicating that the appliance is
Pilot lamp (D) will light up, indicating that the resistances
are working; as soon as the required temperature is rea-
ched, it goes off.
When the resistances come on again, it lights up once mo-
re. To turn the oven off, turn both knobs back to their origi-
nal position.
Suola e cielo
Top and bottom
Sole et ciel
Ober- und Hunterhitze
Nur Oberhitze
Nur Hunterhitze
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