TechWind SDK-500 User Manual page 21

Elevator door controller
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3.6. Closed tigh. (tightening force of closed doors), range: 0.00 ÷ 1.00 [ A ]
The value of the current used to tighten door at its closed positions. This value should be
determined empirically by taking into account all forces from mechanical closing elements like
springs and weights. Before changing this parameter, door should be open. Then increase
current value carefully to cause the door moving slowly into fully closed position (and locks - if
available - will be closed). Final current value should be set to value enough to avoid door
opening and/or opening the locks, and to avoid manual door opening with ease.
During current setting procedure, door speed is NOT controlled – therefore to
avoid door crash do NOT set to high current value. Current value should be
increased very carefully, very slow, with visual door motion control. When door
is moving (opening), do NOT increase the current value.
Do not set current value greater than determined during procedure described
above. o high current value may cause motor overload, overheat and even
3.7. Tighten mode, options: [ continue / by CLOSING input ]
„Tighten mode" setting determines when tightening force (set by „Closed tigh.") is used.
Available options:
„by CLOSING input" - closed door is tighten only if voltage is provided to the
3.8. OPEN switch, options: [ inactive / active ]
Open switch (terminal position contact) is an additional optional switch often mounted in
sliding doors. It should activate {END SWITCH} input at door's fully open position (see figure
3.11 at page 13). Its usage is optional as the controller automatically detects the terminal
positions of the door by detecting mechanical resistance (by measuring the current consumed
by the motor). Open switch activation causes holding door in fully open position using „Open
tigh." parameter value (tightening force of open door).
3.9. Lock zone, range: 0.0 ÷ 29.9 [ cm ]
When door reaches fully closed position, its mechanism still continues its motion to lock it
in position. To ensure smooth door movement (especially during door opening), the lock zone
value should be set equal or greater than the real (physical) lock zone length.
Failure to set the lock zone properly may cause faulty operation of heavy doors
(200kg and above).
CAUTION! It is important to remember that for new controllers default value of
the lock zone is equal to 4 cm. Please remember to enter the correct value. For
doors without lock zone the value should be 0.
User's manual for
elevator door controller
- closed door is tighten continuously (power supply of motor is
always on),
{CLOSE INP.} input. Removal of the voltage from {CLOSE
INP.} input causes turning off the power supply of motor (about
5 minutes after removing voltage from {CLOSE INP.} input).


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