Overview Of [Spectra Manager] - Jasco V-530 Instruction Manual

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T he f ol l ow i ng not at i onal convent i ons are used t hroughout t hi s m anual :
General Notation
[Parameters...] command
<OK>, <Cancel>
Keyboard Operations
Shift CTRL
Names of keys found on the keyboard are enclosed in boxes.
Keys that are to be pressed in succession are separated by commas. In the
Alt , F
example shown on the left, the Alt key is to be pressed and released,
followed by the F key.
Keys that are pressed simultaneously are linked by a plus sign. In the
Shift +
example shown on the left, press the
Mouse Operations
Move the mouse pointer to the specified item.
Quickly press and release the mouse button.
Click the mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Point to an item, click and hold down the mouse button. Move the mouse
with the button held down, and release the button when the pointer is where
you want it.
1. 3 O vervi e w of [ S pect r a M anager]
T he f ol l ow i ng program s are regi st ered i n t he [ S pect ra M anager] of t he M odel V -500W as st andard.
M easurem ent program s
[ Q uant i t at i ve m easurem ent ] program
T hi s program creat es a cal i brat i on curve by m easuri ng a st andard sam pl e w i t h know n concent rat i on
accordi ng t o t he com m on quant i t at i ve anal ysi s m et hod and m easures an unknow n sam pl e t o f i nd i t s
concent rat i on.
[ S pect rum m easurem ent ] program
T hi s program obt ai ns t he U V / V I S absorpt i on spect rum of a sam pl e. T he spect rum m easured by t hi s
program i s aut om at i cal l y t ransf erred t o t he [ S pect ra A nal ysi s] program .
[ T i m e C ourse M easurem ent ] program
T hi s program m easures t he changes i n a sam pl e w i t h t i m e at a f i xed w avel engt h. T he t i m e course
dat a obt ai ned by t hi s program i s t ransf erred t o t he [ S pect ra A nal ysi s] program .
[ F i xed W avel engt h M easurem ent ] program
T hi s program m easures t he absorbance or t ransm i t t ance of a sam pl e at a f i xed w avel engt h. U p t o
Names of menus, commands, and text boxes are enclosed in
square brackets [ ], followed by a description indicating whether
the function is a menu, command, text box, or other.
Names of buttons are enclosed in angular brackets < >.
key while holding down the Shift

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