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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 28


The story goes that long ago when the White River flowed through the fairy forest and spirits and the
Fey were common, the Fairy King and the River got into an argument. The King had been hunting
Wily Snake which in his desperation for a place to hide, slipped under River. Now the King followed the
trail of Snake to River and assumed that she was purposefully hiding his prey – he confronted her, she
denied his allegations, and the two fell to arguing. Meanwhile, Snake took the opportunity to slip away,
but not before impregnating River's least attractive fish-daughter. Later this daughter gave birth to Eel
which was forever unloved by River but prized on the dinner table of kings.
The Rivermen say that every morning for as long as anyone could remember the Fishsinger would
come out of her small tower carrying her fish basket, walk down to the edge of the river and sing. One
eel, charmed by her song, would swim into her basket. Then, basket in hand she would row her coracle
across the river to the fishermen's village where she would sell the eel for her daily bread. Old-timers
say she has always been a young and attractive woman. Further, some years ago a prince travelling up
the river happened to meet her as she crossed to the village. Smitten with her, he set about wooing her,
and succeeded. Unfortunately the Fishsinger would not leave her tower, and eventually the prince had
to return to his duties – but not before leaving her with child, who is now a young woman; Maegth. Just
two weeks ago the Fishsinger suddenly died. The locals laid her to rest, and almost immediately, a man
claiming to be her father arrived. This unusual and sinister man had a rit from Lord Beleghir giving
him title to the abandoned house on Oak Hill, where he immediately took his daughter.
The Singer's Landing Inn
Magic World Quick-Start
The Old Story of Eel
The Fishsinger is Dead

