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BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide page 24


The River Stone
Of Fire and Water
The two fairy towers are magically connected.
The one build into the house on Oak Hill is
strongly associated with elemental fire, while
the Fishsinger's is associated with water. Aeled
has managed to "rekindle" the fire elemental as-
sociated with his tower, and is using it to hold
the Fishsinger in limbo. The Fishsinger would
be able to materialize near her river if her fo-
cus, the River Stone, is wet with the water of her
river. Currently it is very dry and sitting under
a small fire elemental.
The River Stone is a fist-sized piece of gran-
ite crudely shaped like a goddess. The stone
is an integral part of the magic that holds the
Fishsinger to this world. As long as the stone
is wet with the water of the Fishsinger's river,
the naiad will exist in the world.
Magic World Quick-Start
Once the PCs overcome the ogre, they will
likely choose to explore the tower. The top
room of the tower contains a fireplace that is
the home of the elemental.
Maegth, if present, will tell the PCs that she
was held prisoner in the top of the tower
and that the room contained a magical
fire that burned without fuel. Further, she
will tell the PCs that the Fishsinger's sacred
stone was taken by Aeled and placed in the
fire, and she was unable to get it out. Maegth
will want to return this stone to to the water
basin in her mother's tower where it had al-
ways been kept. She can offer no reason for
wanted to do this, other than that was what
her mother had always done, and she feels
her mother would want it returned. She will
do her best to convince the PCs to help her
with this task.
The House on Oak Hill
The Fishsinger's Daughter

